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Female Talent in the VHIR



We celebrate the International Women's Day reviewing the figures of women working in the VHIR and emphasizing the future creation of a commission to enhance the role of women in the research.

Today we celebrate the International Women's Day reviewing the figures of women working in the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) and emphasizing the future creation of a commission to enhance the role of women in the research.Currently in VHIR are working 636 people, of which 451, that is, 71%, are women. If we look at the structure staff and research and research support staff, we see that the percentage is very similar. In structure, 75% of staff are women, 109 women and 36 men. Among the personnel dedicated to research and to support research we find 346 women and 145 men, representing a female quota of 70%.However, if we are climbing to positions of greater responsibility, for example principal investigators (IPs), head of research group or area coordinator, the percentage of women begins to decline. Of the 346 women researchers, 105 are IPs, which means they lead research projects. Compared with IPs, men are 143. We talk about 42% of the main researchers are womens. With respect to heads of research group, only 12 are women, from a total of 58 groups. And only one woman is an area coordinator (there are 8 areas of research).Another significant figure is the percentage of young female staff, which reflects the will of the VHIR to attract and enhance female talent both in predoctoral training and throughout the research career, as well as in innovation units, competitive projects, etc. In fact, 73% of staff are 40 years old or younger.Gender equity has always been a priority for the VHIR and since 2011 it has an Equality Plan to guarantee the same conditions and opportunities for women and men. Continuous work is being carried out on the integration of women in the decision committees and at management positions as well as to improve the family conciliation policy.On the other hand, in the next months a commission will be created to promote the role of women in research.

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