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World-leading experts in gut microbiota celebrate in Madrid the 2nd World Summit


Drs. Azpiroz and Guarner take part in the organization of this congress managed by ESNM

Madrid will host from this Sunday 24th of February until the 26th, the second edition of the ‘Gut Microbiota for Health’, a world summit in which international experts will expose and discuss the latest advances in gut microbiota research and its impact on health.Dr. Fernando Azpiroz, head of the Group of Phisiology and Pathophisiology of the Digestive Tract at VHIR and chairman of ESNM’s Gut Microbiota & Health Section, will open this congress in which Dr. Francisco Guarner, researcher of the same group at VHIR and chairman of the Scientific Committee, will also take part moderating a discussion about the use and selection of probiotics and prebiotics. Both have made a brief introduction of the congress in the video attached. During the Summit, scientists will present the latest studies, such as the research of Prof. Patrice D. Cani, who has demonstrated in animals how prebiotics can be useful to strength the gut barrier that in obese patients is leaky, so toxic molecules can permeate this wall. The organization of the congress has launched the webpage "" in order to continue with the discussions online. During the following days we will inform you about the summit.

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