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All the latest news and information on the main advances in research, institutional milestones, teaching and management. Find out what happens at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute!

As of tomorrow, Lleida will be hosting the 19th Congress of the Spanish Society of Neuroscience (SENC). This is a biennial event, which this year will be held from 3 to 5 November in la Llotja, the Lleida Exhibition Centre.

Hi participaran 300 persones en set centres repartits per tota Catalunya, entre els quals es troba Vall d'Hebron.

The Aligning Science Across Parkinson's (ASAP) initiative has awarded the grant to a project coordinated by Dr. Miquel Vila, head of the Neurodegenerative Diseases research group at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR).

The funded project, led by Dr. Berta Sáez, will analyze the usefulness of certain biomarkers for the diagnosis and evaluation of disease progression.

El cap del Servei de Neurologia-Neuroimmunologia Clínica de l’Hospital Vall d’Hebron, cap del Grup d’Investigació en Neuroimmunologia Clínica del VHIR i director del Centre d'Esclerosi Múltiple de Catalunya (Cemcat) ha liderat el comitè d’elaboració de la guia europea amb recomanacions per a neuròlegs i pacients, basades en l’evidència existent, sobre l’eficàcia de tractaments, que ha presentat al Congrés del Comitè Europeu del Tractament i Recerca en Esclerosi Múltiple (ECTRIMS).

La Dra. Carmen Tur rebrà un ajut per al projecte “Caracterització de patrons espai temporals de dany tissular cerebral en esclerosi múltiple mitjançant tècniques d'aprenentatge profund no supervisat”.

La campanya vol sensibilitzar la ciutadania sobre la importància de la recerca i permet la seva col·laboració amb la Recerca de Vall d’Hebron a través de microdonatius.

A Vall d’Hebron, l'abordatge del càncer de mama es realitza de manera multidisciplinària: personal d'oncologia, radioteràpia i medicina nuclear i cirurgians i cirurgianes plàstics treballen de manera coordinada per definir el tractament més adient per a cada pacient.

Research led by Dr Fernando Azpiroz points to an increase in gas caused by high metabolic activity in the intestine.

Vall d’Hebron obre les portes gràcies al 48h Open House BCN 2021, que se celebra a Barcelona el cap de setmana del 23 i el 24 d’octubre i enguany està dedicat a l’arquitectura mediterrània. 

 El Campus del segle XXI s’està fent una realitat: s’han fet actuacions als edificis per adequar-los als nous reptes assistencials, s’està ordenant Vall d’Hebron i es guanyarà un parc per a la ciutat.

The associations have donated €32,130 towards the project entitled “Tinc una IDP; No estic sol” [“I have a PID; I’m not alone”]

This research has shown the efficacy of dual therapy for HIV treatment, with dolutegravir and lamivudine, compared with the standard treatment with three drugs.

Vall d’Hebron University Hospital diagnosed the first case of HIV in Spain in October 1981. This was a 35 year-old man who was admitted to hospital with Kaposi’s sarcoma and other opportunistic infections.

The AGM was held between 6 and 8 October at Pompeu Fabra University, bringing together one hundred neuroblastoma experts.

It would be a very rare and potentially fatal placental injury in some fetuses that would lead to abnormal blood flow between mothers and fetuses in the uterus.

Dr Albert Salazar, director of Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, and Dr Joan X. Comella, director of the Vall d’Hebron Research, have today presented the winners of the Vall d’Hebron 2020 Photography Competition with their photographs in sheet format. 

The Unit of Tropical Medicine and International Health in Vall d'Hebron works in different projects to promote research and training in Angola since 2007.

On the occasion of World Cancer Research Day, we remember the work of VHIO and VHIR researchers to advance in the field of oncology.

The study shows that not only excess but also iron deficiency can have detrimental effects in acute myocardial ischemia.

The program, promoted by Biocat in collaboration with CIMIT (Boston), is aimed at entrepreneurs in the process of bringing their technology to market in the next few years.

We present, for the tenth consecutive year, our commitment to communicate our scientific and institutional results of 2020: the multimedia annual report.

The results of this study led by the Psychiatry Service in Vall d'Hebron are essential to understand the experience of families and patients and assess the need for specific psychological interventions.

Deu investigadors i investigadores de Vall d’Hebron presenten xerrades i tallers en una jornada de divulgació científica per donar a conèixer la recerca i la innovació.