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Diagnostic Nanotools (DINA)

At Diagnostic Nanotools, we work to ameliorate the diagnosis of diseases. On the one hand, we produce rapid assays and electrochemical biosensors, with a special emphasis on point-of-care diagnosis of infectious diseases.

In this context, we develop single-step immunoassays, classical biosensors (in which a sensor is modified with bioreceptors for the specific detection of the analyte of interest) and magneto-biosensors (in which the assay is performed on magnetic particles). We explore the implementation of nanomaterials to obtain improved transducers and as signal amplifiers to generate faster and more sensitive biosensors. We also seek to automate the tests using extremely simple and economical paper microfluidics. On the other hand, we are developing "synthrocytes," a synthetic reagent that could replace animal erythrocytes in the hemagglutination assays used currently for the global surveillance of influenza viruses and in the control of vaccine production.


Eva Baldrich Rubio

Eva Baldrich Rubio

Head of group
Diagnostic nanotools (DINA)
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Briza Pérez López

Briza Pérez López

Postdoctoral researcher
Diagnostic nanotools (DINA)
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Menyar Ben Jaballah

Menyar Ben Jaballah

Postdoctoral researcher
Diagnostic nanotools (DINA)
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Judit Prat Trunas

Judit Prat Trunas

Main researcher
Diagnostic nanotools (DINA)
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Maria Urpí Castany

Maria Urpí Castany

Research technician
Diagnostic nanotools (DINA)
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Sahar Lahouar

Sahar Lahouar

Predoctoral researcher
Diagnostic nanotools (DINA)
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Eva Baldrich Rubio

Eva Baldrich Rubio

Head of group
Diagnostic nanotools (DINA)
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Briza Pérez López

Briza Pérez López

Postdoctoral researcher
Diagnostic nanotools (DINA)
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Menyar Ben Jaballah

Menyar Ben Jaballah

Postdoctoral researcher
Diagnostic nanotools (DINA)
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Judit Prat Trunas

Judit Prat Trunas

Main researcher
Diagnostic nanotools (DINA)
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Maria Urpí Castany

Maria Urpí Castany

Research technician
Diagnostic nanotools (DINA)
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Sahar Lahouar

Sahar Lahouar

Predoctoral researcher
Diagnostic nanotools (DINA)
Read more


Sintrocito: eritròcits sintètics pel contgrol global de la grip

IP: Eva Baldrich Rubio
Collaborators: Andres Antón Pagarolas, Maria Urpí Castany, Judit Prat Trunas, Cristina Andrés Vergés, Narcís Saubí Roca
Funding agency: Fundació Institut de Recerca HUVH
Funding: 10000
Reference: VHIR-FIT-2024-001
Duration: 13/12/2024 - 12/12/2025

Eritròcits sintètics pel control global de les infeccions per virus influenza: escalat de la producció i validació de camp

IP: Eva Baldrich Rubio
Collaborators: Andres Antón Pagarolas, Tomàs Pumarola Suñé, Maria Urpí Castany, Judit Prat Trunas, Cristina Andrés Vergés, Narcís Saubí Roca
Funding agency: Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament de Salut
Funding: 99946
Reference: SLT036/24/000017
Duration: 21/12/2024 - 20/12/2025

Desarrollo de tests rápidos intercambiables para el control multifacético de las infecciones respiratorias

IP: Eva Baldrich Rubio
Collaborators: Romina Dieli Crimi, Cristina Andrés Vergés
Funding agency: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-MICINN
Funding: 141875
Reference: PID2023-148950OB-C22
Duration: 01/09/2024 - 31/12/2027

Ministerio de Ciencia

CATMAL - Compact Analytical Tool for robust MALaria decentralized diagnosis and community surveillance

IP: Eva Baldrich Rubio
Collaborators: Francesc Zarzuela Serrat, Israel Molina Romero, Maria Urpí Castany, Adrián Sánchez Montalvá, Elena Sulleiro Igual, Judit Prat Trunas, Ines Mercedes Oliveira Souto, Briza Pérez López
Funding agency: Fundació "La Caixa"
Funding: 392205
Reference: HR23-00679
Duration: 01/12/2023 - 30/11/2026


Prodromal symptoms and the duration of untreated psychosis in first episode of psychosis patients: what differences are there between early vs. adult onset and between schizophrenia vs. bipolar disorder?

PMID: 37027026
Year: 2023
Reference: Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2023 Apr 7. doi: 10.1007/s00787-023-02196-7.
Impact factor:
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Amoretti, Silvia; Ayora, Miriam; Baeza, Inmaculada; Balanza-Martinez, Vicent; Bernardo, Miquel; Bioque, Miquel; Butjosa, Anna; Casanovas, Francesc; Castro-Fornieles, Josefina; Contreras, Fernando et al.
DOI: 10.1007/s00787-023-02196-7

Paper-based microfluidic electro-analytical device (PMED) for magneto-assay automation: Towards generic point-of-care diagnostic devices.

PMID: 38039728
Year: 2023
Reference: Biosens Bioelectron. 2023 Nov 26;246:115875. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2023.115875.
Impact factor:
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Alvarez-Carulla, A; Arias-Alpizar, K; Baldrich, E; Colomer-Farrarons, J; Del Campo, F J; Miribel-Catala, P Ll; Molina, I; Orio-Tejada, J; Prat-Trunas, J; Sanchez-Montalva, A et al.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2023.115875



The Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya grants subsidies for carrying out validation tests on innovative projects in the field of health that are in the early stages of development.

The meeting was an opportunity to get to know projects from both institutions and to promote interaction between professionals.

The head of the Diagnostic Nanotools (DINA) group was part of a Spanish delegation that also participated in activities to establish contracts between national and international centers.