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All the latest news and information on the main advances in research, institutional milestones, teaching and management. Find out what happens at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute!

Dr. Elizabeth Echoka proposes a digital platform to monitor obstetric risks in pregnant women in underserved populations.

The team will design and implement a training program for professionals for the respectful care of maternity and childbirth.

Research led by the doctor has stopped unnecessary medicalisation with aspirin during pregnancy.


After carrying out a first feasibility trial in collaboration with the Assisted Reproduction Section of the Vall d'Hebron Hospital, Manina Medtech is moving towards a pilot trial in IVF patients.

The clinical trial conducted by Vall d'Hebron concludes that with a simple blood test in the second trimester, more than 90% of the women will be able to stop the treatment without negative consequences for them or their babies.

72% of the Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus employees are women: We have celebrated 8-M with an act where our professionals have been the headliners.

Hakima Ouaarab Essadek, del Centre de Salut Internacional i Malalties Transmissibles Drassanes-Vall d'Hebron, assessorarà en el Departament de Salut en l’abordatge de les desigualtats de gènere.

The vaccines offer high protection against severe COVID-19 symptoms, with an effectiveness of up to 91% in infected women who had received the complete vaccination regimen and a booster dose.

Understanding the changes that the fetus undergoes when exposed to cannabis will help to improve the prevention of consumption and the monitoring of pregnant cannabis users.

Six Vall d'Hebron researchers have participated in the meeting organized by the Fetal Medicine Foundation.

Manina Medtech received a direct grant of 75,000 euros from the ACCIÓ Startup Capital line, aimed at boosting the growth of emerging companies with high technological potential.

La Recuperació Intensificada en Cirurgia aconsegueix que el procés perioperatori de les pacients de ginecologia oncològica millori, escurçant l'estada hospitalària, els reingressos, les complicacions postoperatòries i el confort de les pacients.

A new study demonstrates the usefulness of analyzing the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio to classify the severity of fetuses with growth restriction and estimate the time to delivery.

Entre els projectes més rellevants en Covid-19 destaca la participació del VHIR en assaigs clínics per provar l’eficàcia i seguretat de vacunes com ara Janssen, Pfizer-BioNTech en el col·lectiu d’embarassades, i Hipra.

It would be a very rare and potentially fatal placental injury in some fetuses that would lead to abnormal blood flow between mothers and fetuses in the uterus.