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All the latest news and information on the main advances in research, institutional milestones, teaching and management. Find out what happens at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute!

Among the genes described, there are some related to digestive system functions, which reinforces the biological entity of irritable bowel syndrome as a digestive disease.

The international study, in which Vall d'Hebron participated, monitored patients who were hospitalized for COVID-19 for 12 months and compared their gastrointestinal symptoms with another group of patients diagnosed with other medical pathologies.

Els estudis avançaran en els camps de les malalties digestives, el VIH, la fatiga crònica, les patologies cardíaques, l’hepatitis, la diabetis i l’oftalmologia.

Onze investigadors i investigadores de Vall d’Hebron faran xerrades i tallers amb l’objectiu d’apropar la ciència a tothom.

His project reports the increased diagnostic power of high-resolution bowel manometry in patients with suspected small bowel motor disorder compared to conventional technology.

The first global study on the prevalence of functional gastrointestinal disorders has been the most successful article.



The use of the new device in the primary care setting will reduce the time it takes for patients with irritable bowel syndrome to be diagnosed and receive optimal treatment, thus improving their quality of life.

FunHoMic integrates experts in fungal pathogenesis, immunology, microbial ecology and "omics" technologies to train 13 researchers to identify biomarkers related to the risk of infection by fungi such as Candida.