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All the latest news and information on the main advances in research, institutional milestones, teaching and management. Find out what happens at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute!

El Dr. Josep Antoni Ramos Quiroga, la Dra. Núria Gómez Barros, la Dra. Sala Guila, el Dr. Francisco Collazos i el Dr. Marc Ferrer, del Servei de Salut Mental de Vall d’Hebron, han aparegut al llarg de les més de 15 hores de programa.

A multicenter study, led by neurologists at the Research Instituto of the Sant Pau Hospital and with the participation of the main Catalan hospitals, analyses the relationship between stroke and COVID.

The United Nations General Assembly adopted last December 16th the Resolution on "Addressing the Challenges of Persons Living with a Rare Disease and their Families”.

In this IV edition, 4,800 euros have been raised, which will go to the Biomedical Research in Gynecology group at Vall d'Hebron Research.

This work is the base to develop an integrate research platform focus on this pathology.

La 25a Conferència Anual ha anat a càrrec del Dr. Àlvaro Pascual-Leone, professor de Neurologia a Harvard Medical School i director del Guttmann Brain Health Institute.

L’espai que ocuparan els laboratoris de recerca es duplica, arribant als 5.569 m2.

FunHoMic integrates experts in fungal pathogenesis, immunology, microbial ecology and "omics" technologies to train 13 researchers to identify biomarkers related to the risk of infection by fungi such as Candida.

This new method, developed by the Nephrology and Renal Transplantation group of VHIR, will facilitate the collection of urine and feces samples from animals in biomedical research.

The study, led by Anna Beneria, specialist physician of the Mental Health Service, concludes that these methodologies have shortcomings and proposes the implementation of improvements in the follow-up of young people.

La comissió EASL-Lancet, en què ha participat la Dra. María Buti, ha analitzat possibles millores per a la prevenció i la detecció precoç d'aquestes patologies.

The results have been published in The New England Journal of Medicine in an article with the participation of Dr. Antonio Álvarez, researcher of the Pneumology group.

Today, 30 November, the main research lines in which both institutions will be working together are revealed.

Vall d'Hebron and the Barcelona PID Foundation are back with Bufa la Bombolla campaign

The nurse received this recognition thanks to HEPARJOC-ACTUA, an educational tool to improve the diagnosis of Hepatitis B.

The nurses Rosa Casado, Eva Gavilan and Miguel Ángel Robles from Vall Hebron Research have been three of the winners of the call for grants of the Col-legi this 2021

The professionals and patients of Vall d’Hebron painted their hands for a mural for 25N, the international day against gender-based violence.

In addition to COVID-19, new vaccines have been presented to combat flu, the herpes-zoster virus, meningococcus and pneumococcus.

Vall d’Hebron hosted the 14th International NOTES-WIDER-Barcelona course on 22 and 23 November, which welcomed a hundred international professionals in Surgery, Clinical endoscopy and Gastroenterology.

Dr. José García Arumi and Dr. Anna Duarri from the Ophthalmology research group at Vall Hebron Recerca lead the project. 

The Ministry of Science and Innovation granted more than €1.4 million to the project "Early molecular nanoDIAGnostics of Brain tumours using ImmunePET (DIAGBI)" with the participation of Vall d’Hebron through the Molecular Medicine Imaging Group.

All the activities associated with virtual and augmented reality, robotics, simulation, 3D, entrepreneurship and research came to an end after five days.

An analysis of thrombi would allow the cause of a stroke to be detected and therefore permit the selection of an appropriate treatment to prevent a stroke and to carry out a more thorough follow-up.

Biopsies obtained by flexible bronchoscopy have been used to analyze which patients have sequelae in the lung in order to recommend, if necessary, the administration of corticosteroids as a treatment.