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All the latest news and information on the main advances in research, institutional milestones, teaching and management. Find out what happens at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute!

The new nano-biosensor for fast, quantitative and accurate COVID-19 serology achieves the high reliability of specialised laboratory analysis with the short times and simplicity of rapid self-tests.

Entre els projectes més rellevants en Covid-19 destaca la participació del VHIR en assaigs clínics per provar l’eficàcia i seguretat de vacunes com ara Janssen, Pfizer-BioNTech en el col·lectiu d’embarassades, i Hipra.

La selecció d’imatges que forma la mostra ‘L’altra mirada de la recerca’ ha estat escollida entre les millors fotografies dels 11 anys del Concurs de Fotografia Científica del Campus Vall d’Hebron.

Les malalties minoritàries són greus, poc freqüents i afecten 5 de cada 10.000 persones. N'hi ha més de 7.000, un 80% de les quals són d'origen genètic. Generalment impliquen diversos òrgans i afecten les capacitats físiques, les habilitats mentals i les qualitats sensorials i de comportament de les persones afectades.

When post-COVID-19 headache lasts for a month, there is a 50% change of it continuing for the next nine months.

The Hepatology Service is currently participating in 74 clinical trials, of which 50 are commercial.

The results show that there are two types of migraine attacks depending on whether CGRP levels increase or not during the acute phase.

Direct brain administration through the carotid artery of nanomaterials carrying drugs that boost tissue recovery could be an effective method to reduce the undesirable effects in other organs and improve the arrival of the drug into the brain.

The objective of the Tartaglia project will be to train mathematical models to support decision making and contribute to personalized and precision medicine.

Vall d'Hebron has announced a research collaboration with Pure Transplant Solutions, LLC (PTS) led by Dr. Oriol Bestard, head of the Nephrology and Kidney Transplant group at VHIR.

Som centre estatal de referència per al trasplantament de progenitors hematopoètics o cèl·lules mare, amb 1.417 trasplantaments realitzats: fa una dècada que vam obtenir l’acreditació JACIE, la més prestigiosa de l’àmbit europeu.

The artwork Pioneres, presented on the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, is almost 40 metres long and portrays nine women, from Ancient Greece to the present day, who have contributed to the progress of sciences in the field of health.

The work "Family presence during invasive procedures in pediatrics: perceptions, attitudes and practices of nurses" has received the Research Award of the General Council of Nursing in the category of Young Promises in Nursing Research.

The recognition awards the Health Care Research Unit the prestigious RNAO and acknowledges the Hospital’s contribution and commitment to implementing the Best Practice Guidelines.

Dr. Gerard Cantero, who is now a researcher at the CIBBIM-Nanomedicine - Kidney Physiopathology at VHIR, participated in the work led by CRG and IMIM.

The Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus has organised the World Cancer Day Conference as part of World Cancer Day, today, 4 February.

It is first proof of concept for the delivery of a tumor-suppressive microRNA for the treatment of neuroblastoma, a highly-aggressive pediatric solid tumor of the peripheral nervous system.

Ens plau comunicar que la Comissió Avaluadora Interna ha finalitzat el procés de valoració de les al·legacions presentades en relació a la priorització de persones candidates als Ajuts AGAUR FI-DGR 2022.

The innovative oral drug could provide a new therapeutic option for people with PBC who have not obtained the recommended therapeutic outcome or who do not tolerate first line therapy and cannot continue their treatment.

The donation will boost the research headed by Dr Josep Roma, researcher with the VHIR Childhood Cancer and Haematological Diseases group.

The trial, which already has AEMPS authorisation, will be conducted in Spain, Portugal and Italy.

The publication summarises the main results showing that at least 20% of cases of severe pneumonia after SARS-CoV-2 infection are explained by genetic and immunological anomalies.

The mechanisms in obesity that cause mild cognitive impairment are similar to those of type 2 diabetes. Fat is a powerful cerebral toxin and risk factor: it causes delayed reaction times in both executive function and attention.

A group of researchers from Vall d’Hebron Research, IDIBELL and UB has identified a molecule involved in bone metastasis associated with prostate cancer that could be useful in the design of new therapies for its treatment.