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All the latest news and information on the main advances in research, institutional milestones, teaching and management. Find out what happens at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute!

The head of the Medical Molecular Imaging group at VHIR received the recognition for the best poster presentation for a study on myocardial insulin resistance and cardiovascular risk.

For two days, 30 people between Hepatologia¡ unit researchers and industry experts have laid the foundations for this project.

BSC coordinates QUSTom, the first project that will use supercomputing to detect tumors more effectively and safely.

VHIR collaborates with Nanbiosis through the FVPR service platform created within the Drug Delivery and Targeting Research Group (DTT).

H2O és el primer projecte en l’àmbit europeu a gran escala que recopilarà i incorporarà els resultats dels i de les pacients de manera sistemàtica en la presa de decisions d'atenció mèdica.

En el Dia Internacional de la Infermeria fem valdre la figura del professional de la infermeria especialitzat, amb capacitat per prendre decisions complexes i formació per exercir la docència, la recerca i millorar la seguretat del pacient.

Researchers at Vall d'Hebron have established a simple algorithm of recommendations for taking the arterial pulse, a rapid and non-invasive method for identifying patients with atrial fibrillation, a type of arrhythmia that increases the risk of stroke.

És una iniciativa infermera de l’àrea de coneixement del Pacient Fràgil Traumàtic, ideada per minimitzar les interrupcions durant aquest procediment.

In a meeting held on May 5 and 6, researchers from Vall d'Hebron and the Italian center have exchanged knowledge to collaborate in different areas of research.

The composition of gut microbiota is unique, like our fingerprints.

Vall d’Hebron was one of the study promoters, which determined the most effective transfer circuits for patients with severe stroke.

An international clinical trial has demonstrated the effectiveness of dupilumab in reducing patients’ asthmatic exacerbations, improving their and their relatives quality of life

The knowledge of these mechanisms will help to develop pharmacological strategies to prevent heart failure associated with aging.

During the session, the first call for an intensification grant coordinated by Vall d’Hebron was announced, which will make it easier for nurses to participate in research projects.

The Centre, spanning a total surface area of 1,400 m2, has a High Complexity Area with replicas of a critical care unit, A&E department, outpatients clinic and operating theatre using state-of-the-art virtual reality.

Amb l’esmorzar, s’entregaran als i a les pacients un sobre amb una “rosa feta de tot cor”, un post-it en forma de cor, un llibre i un punt de llibre. Els post-its estan pensats perquè puguin escriure un agraïment per al personal sanitari.

As age increases in men, the concentration of the hormone in the blood drops and this increases the likelihood of severe progression of the infection in COVID-19 patients

A new study demonstrates the usefulness of analyzing the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio to classify the severity of fetuses with growth restriction and estimate the time to delivery.

These findings may result not only into clinical benefits for patients but also into global benefits for health systems and public health, by drastically reducing the number of necessary transfusions.

The chair promotes innovative research in the field of biomedical sciences.

Male patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, smokers and asthmatics are associated with an increased presence of eosinophils in the blood.

Dr Amanda Rodríguez, a psychiatrist of the Vall d’Hebron Mental Health Department, explains that a varied microbiota is essential for people’s mental health.

Ho ha rebut durant la celebració del Simposi de Centres Compromesos amb l'Excel·lència en Cures.

The award is a recognition of his contribution to research on the understanding, treatment and prevention of multiple sclerosis.