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All the latest news and information on the main advances in research, institutional milestones, teaching and management. Find out what happens at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute!

One in four adults suffers from this hepatic disease for which there is still no specific pharmacological treatment.

Des del VHIR hi van assistir Núria Gavaldà, la Dra. Anna Santamaria i Olalla Bagüés.

In three oral communications and a poster, professionals from the Services of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery and Transplants and Medical Oncology of Vall d'Hebron explain new developments in the clinical approach to pancreatic cancer and acute pancreatitis.

El document recull les fites més importants de 2021 en el camps assistencial, de recerca,  docència i  comunicació.

The studies focus on neurodevelopment disorders, suicide prevention, bipolar disorder and depression.

ECTRIMS és la societat professional més gran del món dedicada a la recerca i el tractament de l’esclerosi múltiple.

Inhibition of the ERK5 protein kinase reduces the proliferation and survival of endometrial cancer cells, and potentiates standard chemotherapy.

Investigadors i investigadores de Vall d’Hebron faran tallers i xerrades amb l’objectiu d’apropar la ciència a la ciutadania.

Researchers describe the molecular mechanisms by which the GBA gene, the main genetic risk factor, associates with the accumulation of α-synuclein in neurons.

The PhD student of the research group Infection in the immunocompromised pediatric patient has received one of the Junior Talent Awards given by the organization.

The studies aim, one, to determine the level of humanization of pediatric ICUs in Catalonia, and, the other, to improve postoperative pain management of minor patients with cognitive disabilities.

Els premiats són un projecte de simulació per entrenar-se en maneig d'ECMO, un programa d’entrenament de treball en equip amb simulació i una base de dades que permet registre i consulta del procés de donació d'òrgans i teixits en temps real.

The Barcelona Aging coLLaboratory (BALL) aims to create innovative solutions, with the participation of end users, to improve quality of life and health and social care for the elderly.

The association and VHIR have signed a collaboration agreement to fund with 150,000€ a project to find new therapeutic strategies for this childhood tumor of the central nervous system.

El concurs Jo Innovo posa punt final a cinc dies plens d’activitats amb la recerca, l’emprenedoria, la transformació digital, la simulació i la robòtica com a protagonistes.

The members visited the facilities of the ICU of the General Hospital, the Clinical Laboratories and the Research Unit for Molecular Therapy (UITM).

Dr. Gerard Cantero, a researcher at VHIR, is one of the authors of the study that determines the possible starting point of the development of this inflammatory bowel disease.

Judit Mascó sponsors the kerchief distributed by Natura through its stores and website. The profits go to projects by two younger researchers at the VHIR and VHIO.

The newly developed analytical workflow could in the future be introduced as a comprehensive diagnostic test for patients with mitochondrial diseases.

La 4º jornada del maneig integral del dolor busca agilitzar la transferència d’estudis preclínics a l’assistència per millorar la qualitat de vida dels pacients

El 48h Open House BCN 2022 torna un any més al Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus. Inscriu-te a l’esdeveniment i podràs gaudir de visites guiades pels diferents espais.

La Setmana de la Innovació arrenca dilluns amb cinc dies plens d’activitats relacionades amb la transformació digital, la simulació, la robòtica, l’emprenedoria i la recerca.

The donation allows to advance in the research of the mechanisms of primary immunodeficiencies and to evaluate the pathogenicity of mutations in patients.

Dr. Eva Colás' research has been one of the ten Biology and Biomedicine studies awarded with a Leonardo grant this 2022.