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All the latest news and information on the main advances in research, institutional milestones, teaching and management. Find out what happens at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute!

The second Joan Roget Awards for Knowledge Transfer acknowledged three success stories in the Catalan research system, including the VHIR for the creation of its own innovation model.

Research led by the doctor has stopped unnecessary medicalisation with aspirin during pregnancy.


The product is now in the last stage of prototyping and will move to the verification and validation stages thanks to current fundraising.

The event included several oral presentations by internal researchers and the traditional poster competition.

More than 200 people have participated in a day full of short talks, conferences, and networking activities.

A project to develop a compact, inexpensive and easy to use device for mass screening for malaria.

This collaboration solidifies their co-ownership of the patent application for "markers for the diagnosis of large vessel occlusion"

This investment from EIT Health in the project will enable D-Sight to progress in the clinical development of its groundbreaking treatment for the early stages of diabetic retinopathy.

One more year, we join the Movember movement to raise awareness of the need for research to improve men's health and, in particular, that of patients with prostate cancer.

The award recognizes people with an outstanding career for their relationship with the University and their social impact.

The course, directed by Dr. Jordi Riera, brought together around 30 teachers specialised in ECMO from different disciplines.

Dr. Conxita Jacobs' research has been awarded in the clinical project category, while Dr. Anna Meseguer's research has been recognised in the basic research category.

The list identifies the most influential experts, who are among the 1% most cited in their speciality in several areas of knowledge.

The research team used nanotechnology to deliver the drug directly to liver cells, which eliminated side effects without reducing effectiveness.

The award is a recognition for his significant contribution to the development of research in multiple sclerosis within the Catalan Institute of Health.

A study, led by Vall d'Hebron, identifies what type of information patients need to develop a web platform that will be useful to them when involving- se in making decisions about their treatment.

The Cardiovascular Diseases and Neurovascular Diseases groups at VHIR will investigate new therapeutic strategies for heart failure, nanomedicine in stroke and the prevention of cardiovascular toxicity in the case of oncological treatments.

After carrying out a first feasibility trial in collaboration with the Assisted Reproduction Section of the Vall d'Hebron Hospital, Manina Medtech is moving towards a pilot trial in IVF patients.

The evaluation committee has highlighted that VHIR has experienced a positive evolution in the last evaluation period.

The funds will enable the recruitment and retention of young talent, as well as the development of a new epigenetic drug

Researchers have used an innovative protocol to identify people with this autoimmune disease who have a higher risk of cancer.

As part of the initiative, WikiTropica, a tool that provides health professionals with up-to-date information on infectious and tropical diseases, has been launched.

This strategy protects almost two thirds of patients. It also reduces the waiting time between vaccination and initiation of immune suppressive treatment.

The aim is to make visible the attractiveness of VHIR as a place to work highlighting the unique opportunities it offers for biomedical research professionals at national and international level.