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All the latest news and information on the main advances in research, institutional milestones, teaching and management. Find out what happens at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute!

Fins al 13 d’abril, el Vestíbul del Centre Corporatiu de l’ICS acollirà la selecció d’imatges que recull les millors fotografies dels 12 anys del Concurs de Fotografia Científica de Vall d’Hebron.

The recognition means the admission of the current head of the Endocrinology and Nutrition Service of Vall d'Hebron University Hospital and of the Diabetes and Metabolism research group of VHIR as a member of the RAMC.

As part of this campaign, several professionals from the Campus have become role models to explain their stories on social media.

The data was presented during the opening main plenary session at the International Stroke Conference held this week in Dallas, USA.

SIOPEN promotes research and the implementation of clinical trials to improve clinical practice in this type of childhood tumor.

RADeep aims to map at the European level the diagnostic methods, demography, survival rate, main clinical features and treatments of rare anaemia disorders patients.

Vall d’Hebron ha celebrat avui la Jornada del Dia Mundial contra el Càncer, una malaltia cada cop més freqüent que patiran al llarg de la vida un de cada dos homes i una de cada tres dones del nostre entorn.

Within the framework of a clinical trial, the first 3D printed medicine in Europe in the pediatric field will be tested.

Research has found that a significant number of patients with the Relapsing-Remitting variant have Progression Independent of Relapse Activity episodes.

The winning work is an international study that has shown the efficacy of robotic surgery for the repair of strictures in the ureters, one of the most common complications after removing the urinary bladder due to cancer.

Dr. Begoña Benito, the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) director, received the award, as recognition for the Institution’s contribution to developing science and technology in Catalonia.

The vaccines offer high protection against severe COVID-19 symptoms, with an effectiveness of up to 91% in infected women who had received the complete vaccination regimen and a booster dose.

The new tool will improve patient care and allow early detection of complications, as the hospital previously did not have a specific form.

The collaborative studies, co-led by Dr. Jordi Riera, present the experience with the use of extracorporeal life support and advance in the knowledge of the criteria to increase the success of the treatment.

The study analyzes the scientific evidence on the harmful effect of environmental pollution and heavy metals on cardiovascular health and summarizes the strategies for its prevention and treatment.

Pulmonary hypertension is a risk factor for patients who need surgery and, therefore, defining strategies for its management is important to allow a favorable clinical evolution.

The pre-enrollment period for the 2023-2024 academic year of the Master in Translational Biomedical Research at VHIR will be open from January 13th to September 1st or until all places are closed.

The selected studies were those of Dr. Carlos Jiménez, from the Cancer and Childhood Hematological Diseases group, and Dr. Eva Coll, from the Biomedical Research in Gynecology group, both members of eCORE-Cancer.

The multidisciplinary paper on papillary thyroid cancer has been considered the best original article of 2021 in the journal Endocrinología, Diabetes y Nutrición

Vall d’Hebron Research Institute makes its own and open call for a doctoral fellowship programme devoted to attracting young early-stage researchers with a special interest in biomedical research who wish to carry out doctoral studies at VHIR.

The funds will be used to maintain the contract of the psychologist who monitors the emotional well-being of the children with primary immunodeficiencies.

Amb motiu del Dia Mundial del Càncer, la fotògrafa Ximena Borrazas i Vall d’Hebron col·laboren en un projecte fotogràfic per recaptar fons per investigar en la lluita contra la malaltia.

The work has compared sensitive and resistant cells to cisplatin treatment to understand the mechanisms involved in resistance and to find new biomarkers and therapies.

The association renews its commitment to the research of the Renal Pathophysiology group of VHIR in this rare disease that affects the kidneys.