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All the latest news and information on the main advances in research, institutional milestones, teaching and management. Find out what happens at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute!

Vall d’Hebron Research Institute makes its own and open call for a doctoral fellowship programme devoted to attracting young early-stage researchers with a special interest in biomedical research who wish to carry out doctoral studies at VHIR.

The funds will be used to maintain the contract of the psychologist who monitors the emotional well-being of the children with primary immunodeficiencies.

Amb motiu del Dia Mundial del Càncer, la fotògrafa Ximena Borrazas i Vall d’Hebron col·laboren en un projecte fotogràfic per recaptar fons per investigar en la lluita contra la malaltia.

The work has compared sensitive and resistant cells to cisplatin treatment to understand the mechanisms involved in resistance and to find new biomarkers and therapies.

The association renews its commitment to the research of the Renal Pathophysiology group of VHIR in this rare disease that affects the kidneys.

Divuit hores de programa solidari recull més de 8 milions d'euros per lluitar contra les malalties del cor. A Catalunya, una de cada quatre persones moren a causa d'una malaltia del cor o un ictus

La 26a Conferència Anual, centrada en els mecanismes i tractaments de la migranya, ha anat a càrrec de Lars Edvinsson, Peter Goadsby, Michael Moskowitz i Jes Olesen, neuròlegs referents en la recerca en cefalea.

T’animem que ens diguis el teu desig per als pacients i professionals de Vall d’Hebron! Emetrem els desitjos a les pantalles de les sales d’espera perquè arribin a tothom i molts també es publicaran a les xarxes socials del Campus.

More than 350 European organizations involved in research and research funding join forces to move towards a peer-review-based system.

Researchers have observed that, in the absence of glucose, tumor cells become sensitive to treatment with sorafenib, a drug that was approved years ago for other indications.

The funds come from the campaign "Una pizca de Magia" (A pinch of Magic) promoted by Tamara Gorro.

The head of the Renal Pathophysiology group at VHIR was part of a round table on how research can help to meet the needs of patients with rare diseases.

The awarded initiatives are research for a non-invasive diagnosis of endometrium cancer and a project to improve the efficiency of RNA therapies.

The research describes the clinical characteristics and management of patients with this rare kidney disease in 55 hospitals in 21 European countries.

En la mateixa trobada la SEP va decidir atorgar per primera vegada una beca per fer formació a l'estranger de dos mesos. La beca es va atorgar a la Dra. Teresa Crespo, adjunta a la Unitat de Lesionats Medul·lars de Vall d’Hebron.

The donation will allow to continue promoting research projects to understand and find new therapies for pediatric nervous system tumors and childhood sarcomas.

The sessions have brought together experts who have presented the advances and knowledge generated in the area of HIV infection.

Aquests guardons reconeixen els millors serveis i unitats de l’Estat, tant públics com privats, que busquen l’excel•lència en l’atenció que presten als seus pacients.

El nou calendari de vacunes suma una vacuna contra el meningococ B, contra el Virus del Papil•loma Humà per a nens adolescents, i les vacunes contra l’herpes zòster i l’antipneumocòccica conjugada 20v per a persones grans.

She is a cardiologist, specialized in hereditary disorders causing arrhythmias and sudden death and will direct the VHIR after being dedicated to healthcare, research and teaching at the Vall d'Hebron Campus.

This new technology provides image quality currently unavailable with paediatric and neonatal transoesophageal probes, offering an exact correlation between the real-time 3D heart image and the paediatric patient’s anatomy.

El Dr. Gabriel Sampol, del Servei de Pneumologia i grup de Pneumologia del VHIR, el Dr. Jordi Giralt, cap del Servei d'Oncologia Radioteràpica i cap del grup d’Oncologia Radioteràpica del VHIO, el Dr. Josep Antoni Ramos Quiroga, cap del Servei de Psiquiatria i cap del grup de Psiquiatria, Salut Mental i Addiccions del VHIR, i el Dr. Víctor M. Vargas, del Servei d'Hepatologia, guardonats pel COMB.

The study by physician Emilie Anderssen seeks to optimize the medicalization of people living in nursing homes.

La Violència Masclista és la manifestació més greu de la desigualtat cap a les dones a la nostra societat; un greu problema de salut pública, un atemptat contra la llibertat individual i una violació dels drets humans.