Carlos Giné Prades I’m a Pediatric Surgeon specialized in Fetal Surgery, Digestive Surgery and Minimally Invasive Surgery. I’m Head of Section in Fetal and Fetoscopic Surgery, Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery since January 2018 and lead the Pediatric Digestive and Thoracic Surgery Unit. My fields of expertise are the fetoscopic treatment of neural tube defects and the colorectal surgery and my research is focused on the fetal treatment of congenital malformations. Instituciones de las que forman parte Investigador/a principal Bioingeniería, Terapia Celular y Cirugía en Malformaciones Congénitas Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca Jefe de Sección Cirugía Digestiva y Trasplante Pediátricos Hospital Infantil i Hospital de la Mujer LinkedIn Email Carlos Giné Prades LinkedIn Email Instituciones de las que forman parte Investigador/a principal Bioingeniería, Terapia Celular y Cirugía en Malformaciones Congénitas Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca Jefe de Sección Cirugía Digestiva y Trasplante Pediátricos Hospital Infantil i Hospital de la Mujer I’m a Pediatric Surgeon specialized in Fetal Surgery, Digestive Surgery and Minimally Invasive Surgery. I’m Head of Section in Fetal and Fetoscopic Surgery, Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery since January 2018 and lead the Pediatric Digestive and Thoracic Surgery Unit. My fields of expertise are the fetoscopic treatment of neural tube defects and the colorectal surgery and my research is focused on the fetal treatment of congenital malformations.
Formed in Rovira i Virgili University, I did my specialization in the Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron (2001-2006). After a year in Montpellier I moved back to our hospital to develop the Minimally Invasive Surgery in the fields of Digestive and Colorectal Surgery and Fetal Surgery. My activity is completed with a strong implication to the experimental research where I obtained my PhD, Cum Laude, thanks to a work on prenatal treatment of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. I’m involved on the following committees: Congenital Defects, Airway Surgery, Bullous Epidermolysis and Spina Bifida. I’m part of the following associations: Sociedad Española de Cirurgía Pediátrica, EUropean Pediatric Surgeon's Association, European Society of Pediatric Endoscopic Surgeons, Group d'Étude de la Coeliochirurgie Infantile, ARM-Net consortium and International Pediatric Endosurgery Group, in which I’m Faculty. I also teach about pediatric digestive surgery in UAB. I have developed two surgical techniques in Colorectal and Fetal Surgery being pioneer in the fetoscopic treatment of myelomeningocele. My areas of interest are, besides the Fetal Surgery, the Robotic Surgery, the anorectal malformations, Hirschsprung Disease, esophageal and gastric conditions, digestive malformations, congenital defects, inflammatory bowel disease and bullous epidemolysis. I have also designed a simulator on the Fetoscopic Treatment of Myelomeningocele and been co-director of three international courses on neonatal diseases and minimally invasive surgery in neonatal and fetal conditions.
Proyectos Estudio nanoscópico con espectroscopia RAMAN en la oclusión traqueal precoz como terapia fetal de la hipoplasia pulmonar en la hernia diafragmática congénita en el feto ovino IP: José Luis Peiró Ibáñez Colaboradores: Vicenç Martínez Ibáñez, Carlos Giné Prades Entidad financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Financiación: 70180 Referencia: PI10/01724 Duración: 01/01/2011 - 31/12/2013 Bioenginyeria, ortopèdia i cirurgia pediàtriques IP: César Galo García Fontecha Colaboradores: Roberto Vélez Villa, Margarita Codinach Creus, Vicenç Martínez Ibáñez, José Luis Peiró Ibáñez, Carlos Giné Prades, Francisco Soldado Carrera, Màrius Aguirre Canyadell, Luciano Rodríguez Gómez, Carles Amat Mateu, Mario Marotta Baleriola, Gabriela Guillén Burrieza Entidad financiadora: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca Financiación: Referencia: 2009 SGR 130 Duración: 01/01/2010 - 30/04/2014 Cirugía fetal de la brida amniótica.Salvamento intraútero de extremidades modelo experimental de creación y reparación intrauterina mediante técnica endoscópica IP: Francisco Soldado Carrera Colaboradores: Vicenç Martínez Ibáñez, Carlos Giné Prades, Màrius Aguirre Canyadell Entidad financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Financiación: 34615 Referencia: PI040512 Duración: 01/01/2005 - 28/11/2007 Paginación Primera página « Página anterior ‹ Página 1 Página actual 2