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Maria Eugènia Agustí Carol

I am a biologist specialized in Microbiology by the University of Barcelona (UB). I am currently working as a laboratory technician at the Microbiology Department of VHIR, helping with industry collaborations.

Instituciones de las que forman parte

Investigador sénior
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Maria Eugènia Agustí Carol

Instituciones de las que forman parte

Investigador sénior
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

I am a biologist specialized in Microbiology by the University of Barcelona (UB). I am currently working as a laboratory technician at the Microbiology Department of VHIR, helping with industry collaborations.

After finishing my masters degree in Microbiology in 2020, I started my professional career working as a quality technician in a private company. In the following years, I worked as a research technician at the Difficult to Treat Infections and Antimicrobians Use group at Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL), where our main research was focused on the efficacy of different treatments against biofilm-related infections. Finally, I joined the Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR), where I am currently working as a laboratory technician helping with industry collaborations.

Noticias relacionadas

En el Día Europeo del Uso Prudente de los Antibióticos destacamos la importancia de utilizar estos medicamentos con responsabilidad y de encontrar soluciones innovadoras para combatir esta problemática.

Se trata de un nuevo método diagnóstico diseñado para ser utilizado en regiones endémicas que combina una aplicación móvil con un microscopio robotizado de bajo coste.

La red europea EUPertStrain celebra su reunión anual, centrada en el estudio de la evolución de Bordetella pertussis, bacteria responsable de esta enfermedad que puede ser muy grave en menores de un año.

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