Dr. Simó Schwartz, new member of the International Advisory Board of NanoCAN
Dr. Simó Schwartz, coordinator of the Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Research Center for Nanomedicine (Cibbim-Nanomedicine) - Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) has been selected as new member of the International Advisory Board of NanoCAN, the nanomedicine oncology center of the University Southern Denmark. NanoCAN has been inaugurated in 2010 as one of three Danish Centers of Excellence in Nanomedicine. The current staff of NanoCAN comprises 32 members, which perform interdisciplinary research to assemble nucleic acid (siRNA)-based nanodrugs, which would selectively eliminate cancer stem cells. Major focus is on breast cancer and the 5-years goal is to push this approach forward up to a preclinical proof-of-concept in vivo. NanoCAN has an International Advisory Board, providing general strategic advice based on annual reporting of the center with meetings in Denmark once a year. The IAB consists of internationally highly renowned experts from the field of nanomedicine and other disciplines that are at the core of the cente's activities. Dr. Schwartz has been selected by his "internationally recognized expertise in the area of cancer and nanomedicine".