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Pablo Velasco Puyó

I have been an medical physician in the Pediatric Oncology and Hematology Service since 2012. My medical and research activity focuses primarily on sickle cell disease and pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Instituciones de las que forman parte

Investigador predoctoral
Cáncer y Enfermedades Hematológicas Infantiles
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
Oncología y Hematología Pediátrica
Hospital Infantil i Hospital de la Mujer

Pablo Velasco Puyó

Instituciones de las que forman parte

Investigador predoctoral
Cáncer y Enfermedades Hematológicas Infantiles
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
Oncología y Hematología Pediátrica
Hospital Infantil i Hospital de la Mujer

I have been an medical physician in the Pediatric Oncology and Hematology Service since 2012. My medical and research activity focuses primarily on sickle cell disease and pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

During my professional career I have tried to develop a comprehensive care of these diseases, with the direct assistance of patients, as well as with clinical and translational research, including direct work in the laboratory, participation in 12 clinical trials as principal investigator or subinvestigator, and the publication of 17 scientific articles and 1 book chapter, related to these diseases.
- At the teaching level I am an associate professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​I have participated in national and international conferences (59 as an author), in pediatric hematology courses and together with doctors and nurses of the department, we have created the first oncohematological emergency simulations in situ. We have also created, together with pediatric hematologists from different centers, the Working Group on Pediatric Hematology of the Catalan Society of Pediatrics, which I currently co-coordinate.
- In this difficult year of the COVID pandemic, concerned with understanding and adapting to the risk of our patients with SARS-CoV2, we have created the European COVID registry in the European reference network EurobloodNet, of which I am a principal investigator, and we have collaborated in the largest registry of pediatric oncology and COVID, the Global Registry of COVID-19 in Pediatric Cancer (StJude-SIOP). I am part of the national and international scientific groups SEHOP, SIOPE, Eurobloodnet, Spanish Cytology Club, SEHH, EHA
- But for global care it is necessary to develop initiatives focused on patients and their families from other perspectives, so we invented with Eunice Blanco, head of Social Work the Superbox device (new medical device to facilitate patient-friendly intravenous administration, more information at and I have participated in the formation of the Spanish association of patients with sickle cell disease ASAFE, of which I am part of the board of the association ( Giving patients a voice is a very valuable tool for healthcare professionals, a compass to indicate the right path for our actions.
- As a curiosity, I am also a veterinarian, it was during my training at L’Ecole Veterinaire de MAison Alfort in Paris, before year 2000, where I learned how much translational research between species can contribute to the understanding of oncology and the research of new treatments.
- I have also worked as an expatriate pediatrician in several countries in Africa, Guatemala and India, and I have been trained in the international Red Cross emergency team, with the conviction that health care should be global and equitable for all children.


Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Cáncer - RTICC

IP: Josep Sánchez de Toledo Codina
Colaboradores: Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Cáncer - RTICC, Luís Gros Subias, Pablo Velasco Puyó, Aroa Soriano Fernández, Maria Cristina Díaz de Heredia Rubio, Miguel Segura Ginard, Constantino Sábado Álvarez, Anna Llort Sales, Laura Alonso Garcia, Josep Roma Castanyer
Entidad financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Financiación: 186750
Referencia: RD12/0036/0016
Duración: 01/01/2013 - 30/06/2017

La subpoblación de células iniciadoras de tumor como nueva diana terapéutica en el rabdomiosarcoma

IP: La subpoblación de células iniciadoras de tumor como nueva diana terapéutica en el rabdomiosarcoma
Colaboradores: Pablo Velasco Puyó, Josep Sánchez de Toledo Codina, Josep Roma Castanyer
Entidad financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Financiación: 80465
Referencia: PI11/00740
Duración: 01/01/2012 - 30/06/2015

Name Notch patway inhibition as therapeutic target in rhabdomyosarcoma

IP: Name Notch patway inhibition as therapeutic target in rhabdomyosarcoma
Colaboradores: Pablo Velasco Puyó, Jaume Reventós Puigjaner, Joan Sanchez de Toledo Sancho, Josep Roma Castanyer
Entidad financiadora: Fundació La Marató de TV3
Financiación: 179720
Referencia: MARATV3/2010/101310
Duración: 10/12/2010 - 09/06/2015

Noticias relacionadas

El trabajo, que ofrece una guía para el manejo clínico de estos pacientes, revela que solo los menores con trasplante reciente de células madre hematopoyéticas o que sufren otras enfermedades adicionales tienen mayor riesgo de complicaciones por COVID-19.

“Generación de un banco de modelos PDX (patient-derived xenografts) ortotópicos quirúrgicos en el marco de un programa de medicina personaliza en cáncer pediátrico” ha sido el trabajo premiado, del grupo de Cáncer y Enfermedades Hematológicas Infantiles.

En el Día Mundial del Ensayo Clínico, destacamos algunos de los estudios donde hemos participado que han confirmado la eficacia de nuevos fármacos y han permitido su aprobación por las agencias reguladoras.

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