Vicente Bebia Conesa Medical Degree (Universidad de Murcia). Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics (Hospital 12 de Octubre, 2018). Gynecologic Oncologist (Vall d'Hebron, endorsed by ESGO). Instituciones de las que forman parte Investigador predoctoral Investigación Biomédica en Ginecología Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca Médico Ginecologia Oncològica i Patologia del Tracte Genital Inferior Hospital Infantil i Hospital de la Mujer LinkedIn Twitter Orcid Email Vicente Bebia Conesa LinkedIn Twitter Orcid Email Instituciones de las que forman parte Investigador predoctoral Investigación Biomédica en Ginecología Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca Médico Ginecologia Oncològica i Patologia del Tracte Genital Inferior Hospital Infantil i Hospital de la Mujer Medical Degree (Universidad de Murcia). Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics (Hospital 12 de Octubre, 2018). Gynecologic Oncologist (Vall d'Hebron, endorsed by ESGO).
I was born in Cartagena (Spain) in 1989. I completed my Medical Degree at Universidad de Murcia (Class 2007-2013). Via MIR, I finished the residency program in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Hospital 12 de Octubre (Madrid), where my interest in the surgical treatment of gynecological neoplasms began. After a brief period as a specialist at Hospital 12 de Octubre, I moved to Barcelona to pursue the Fellowship program in Gynecological Oncology at Vall d'Hebron. Currently, and after obtaining the Gynecologic Oncologist diploma endorsed by the European Society of Gynecology Oncology (ESGO), I work at the Gynecology Oncology Unit of Vall d'Hebron. Along with the daily surgical activity, I do research as a member of the Gynecology Biomedical Research Group at VHIR. My main interests lie in the management and diagnosis of lymph node involvement in gynecological neoplasms (both clinically and surgically), as well as searching for new surgical methods for the treatment of tumors of gynecological origin.
Proyectos Desarrollo de una herramienta de diagnóstico precoz de cáncer de endometrio en biopsia líquida cervical IP: Eva Colas Ortega Colaboradores: Vicente Bebia Conesa, Maria Cristina Centeno Mediavilla, Silvia Franco Camps, Silvia Cabrera Diaz Entidad financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Financiación: 93170 Referencia: PI17/02155 Duración: 01/01/2018 - 30/06/2022 Paginación Primera página « Página anterior ‹ Página 1 Página actual 2