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ISCIII accreditation

VHIR was accredited as a Health Research Institute (IISA in Spanish) of the Spanish Health Institute Carlos III (ISCiii), in 2009. This accreditation recognizes the translational research of excellence done at Vall d’Hebron University Hospital. The VHIR was one of the first 5 centres in Spain to be accredited.

Being an Accredited Health Research Institute means:

  • To promote translational research of excellence within a Hospital setting.
  • To bring closer the basic, clinical and Health services research.
  • To create a top-quality healthcare, teaching and research environment.
  • To constitute the ideal place to attract talent and to locate the most competitive scientific and technological facilities.

ISO 9001 Quality Management System

The VHIR has the ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management Systems certification for the research support services provided by the Biobank, the Statistics and Bioinformatics Unit (UEB) and the Academic Research Organization (ARO), the Unit of High Technology (UAT) and the Unit for Support to Clinical Research (USIC) and the Experimental Surgery Unit (ESU). The ISO 9001 certification reinforces the strategic commitment with the improvement of the quality of the processes and services offered.

The ISO 9001 Standard is the most widespread Quality Management tool in the world, with more than one million certificates in 175 countries. The main objective of the standard is to increase customer satisfaction through processes of continuous improvement. It is designed so that the organizations can guarantee their ability to offer services that meet the demands of their clients. This international standard promotes the adoption of a process-based approach when developing, implementing and improving the effectiveness of a quality management system, based, in turn, on the PDCA continuous improvement cycle (Plan, Do, Check and Act).

The main benefits derived from the ISO 9001 certification for the organizations are: systematization of operations, improvement of the internal organization, generation of a greater level of confidence in the internal and external scope, increase of the competitiveness, guarantee of Compliance with the legislation and regulations related to products and services, among others.

Systems of Management of the Innovation

The VHIR is currently immersed in the implementation and certification of the Innovation Management System according to the norm UNE 166002: 2021. This norm establishes the principles and guidelines for an R + D + i Management System in order to implement good practices in organizations that allow them to be more innovative and to foster the success of their innovations in products, services, processes, organizational design or business models. All this contributes to generate more value for the organization, the improvement of the results and their competitiveness.

This certification involves all the agents involved in innovation projects: innovation managers, management, inventors, external collaborators, etc.

Excelence in human resources

In April 2015, the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) obtained the recognition of HR Excellence from the European Commission. This recognition demonstrates that VHIR supports the general principles of the European Charter for Researchers and a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and strongly supports its commitment to improving internal policies and procedures.

This recognition of excellence is an opportunity to establish a comprehensive and coherent Human Resources Strategy, which should allow for international visibility by providing a work environment favorable to research with equal opportunities, ethical integrity and work balance.

The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) is the tool established by the European Commission to implement the principles of the Charter and the Code.

Therefore, the Entity must undergo the five steps:

  • Internal analisis.
  • Development of an Action Plan.
  • Examination and recognition of the European Commission.
  • Self-assessment after 2 years.
  • External evaluation.

In March 2014, the VHIR began the process of obtaining the seal by carrying out a first analysis of the relevant applicable legislation and alignment with the principles of the Charter and the Codes, later specific groups were organized to involve all the staff and establish the priority actions. As a result, the VHIR HRS4R Action Plan from 2015 to 2019 was defined and was finally approved by the Internal Scientific Committee in October 2014 and by the Board of Trustees in December 2014.

In April 2017, the internal analysis was carried out and, therefore, a new action plan was defined to adapt to the new reinforced HRS4R process established by the EU and to the current needs of the institution. With the completion of the 2017-2020 Action Plan, during 2021 we have undertaken the preparation of the new HRS4R 2021-2024 Action Plan.

On October 7, 2021, the evaluation took place. in which we received confirmation that VHIR has renewed the HRS4R seal for the next 3 years.

The 2021-2024 Action Plan aims to address key objectives to ensure the improvement of working conditions and professional development, incorporating more actions that have a direct impact on our professionals.

University Quality Assurance System

The creation of the VHIR Master in Translational Biomedical entailed the definition and implementation of a University Quality Assurance System according to the Catalan University Quality Agency (AQU) requirements. Official Masters must comply with the requirements established by the National Agencies in order to assure the Quality of its teachings, its surveillance and continual improvement. 

The Master was accredited by the AQU on March 2018.