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Albert Selva O'Callaghan

I've been a doctor for over 30 years now and I work at the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital.

Instituciones de las que forman parte

Investigador/a principal
Enfermedades Sistémicas
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
Medicina Interna
Hospital General

Albert Selva O'Callaghan

Instituciones de las que forman parte

Investigador/a principal
Enfermedades Sistémicas
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
Medicina Interna
Hospital General

I've been a doctor for over 30 years now and I work at the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital.

Was born in Barcelona on May 1st, 1959. He obtained his medical degree at the University Autonomous of Barcelona in 1982, and so he did also the Doctoral Thesis at the same University in 1992. Since 2010 he is Associated Professor of Medicine, since june 2021 Full Professor. He attended to the internal resident program (MIR) at the Internal Medicine Department at Vall d’Hebron General Hospital in Barcelona from 1986 to 1990, and currently is working as a Senior Consultant and as Head at the Systemic Autoimmune Diseases Unit at the same hospital. He has been focused to the study of idiopathic inflammatory myopathy for more than 25 years and has published several relevant articles and book chapters on the field. Taking care of the patients, teaching at the University and doing research are the three main activities in regard to myositis patients he is committed to.

Líneas de investigación

Cancer and myositis. Relevance of the anti-p155 antibodies and importance of the screening for cancer by Positron Emission Tomography and Computed Tomography (PET/CT).

Anti-p155 antibodies seem to be useful for the diagnosis of paraneoplastic myopathies. We have studied their prevalence and their diagnosis value in a cohort of 137 patients with inflammatory myopathies and we have observed that they have a high negative predictive value. On the other hand, the screening by PET/TC does not contribute much to the conventional screening of cancer in these patients.

IP: Albert Selva O'Callaghan

MYOGEN study. Genome Wide Association study in myositis.

We are currently enrolled in this worldwide study to detect global genetic alterations in patients with myositis. Twenty centres from Europe and United States participate in this study. We contribute to add the genetic information of the patients from our population. Professor Frederick W. Miller (Bethesda, USA) and Dr. Ingrid Lundberg (Stockholm, Sweden) lead the project.

IP: Albert Selva O'Callaghan

International Classification Criteria Project.

This is a multicentric study aimed at defining new diagnosis criteria for muscular inflammatory diseases. Although criteria given by Bohan and Peter are still used in clinical practice, some inflammatory diseases such as inclusion body myositis are not included. The hytopathological classification performed by Dalakas includes the latter entity but it does not take into account neither the paraneoplastic myositis nor those associated to systemic diseases.

IP: Albert Selva O'Callaghan

Lung involvement in inflammatory myopathies.

With this study we want to study the natural history of this syndrome mediated by anti-synthetase antibodies, the characterization of new antibodies that may be used as markers for lung involvement, as well as we aim at understanding better the etiopathogenicity and the treatment of this organic illness in patients with myositis.

IP: Albert Selva O'Callaghan


Ajuts Grups de Recerca (SGR) 2022

IP: Jaume Alijotas Reig
Colaboradores: Moisés Labrador Horrillo, Carmen Pilar Simeón i Aznar, Anna Sala Cunill, Roser Solans Laque, Segundo Bujan Rivas, Mar Guilarte Clavero, Vicenç Fonollosa Pla, Fernando Martínez Valle, Victòria Cardona Dahl, Francesc Miro Mur, Alfredo Guillen Del Castillo, Albert Selva O'Callaghan, José Pardos Gea, Laura Donaire Lancharro, Ariadna Anunciacion Llunell
Entidad financiadora: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
Financiación: 0.01
Referencia: 2021 SGR 00048
Duración: 01/01/2022 - 30/06/2025

Caracterización de las células patogénicas del músculo y piel de pacientes con Dermatomiositis y Síndrome Antisintetasa y estudio de aplicabilidad traslacional.

IP: Ernesto Trallero Araguas
Colaboradores: Albert Selva O'Callaghan, Raul Tortosa Mendez, Albert Gil Vila, Gloria Aparicio Español, Adria Aterido Ballonga, Hugo Fernando Avalos Bogado
Entidad financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Financiación: 135520
Referencia: PI22/00708
Duración: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2025


IP: -
Colaboradores: Manuel Hernández González, Mónica Martínez Gallo, Moisés Labrador Horrillo, Gema Codina Grau, Albert Blanco Grau, Andres Antón Pagarolas, Antonio Álvarez Fernandez, Nuria Fernández Hidalgo, Roser Ferrer Costa, Esteve Ribera Pascuet, Juan Carlos Ruiz Rodriguez, Jaume Ferrer Sancho, Anna Suy Franch, Pere Soler Palacín, Albert Selva O'Callaghan, Tomàs Pumarola Suñé, Isabel Ruiz Camps, Daniel Alvarez De la Sierra, Andrea Martín Nalda, Eva Polverino, Romina Dieli Crimi, Romina Dieli Crimi
Entidad financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Financiación: 229000
Referencia: COV20/00416
Duración: 08/05/2020 - 08/11/2021

Inflitrado tumoral linfocitario (TIL) y dematomiositis asociada a cáncer.

IP: Albert Selva O'Callaghan
Colaboradores: Ernesto Trallero Araguas, Maria Eugenia Semidey Raven
Entidad financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Financiación: 129470
Referencia: PI18/01609
Duración: 01/01/2019 - 30/06/2023

Noticias relacionadas

Los investigadores han utilizado un protocolo innovador que permite identificar a personas con esta enfermedad autoinmunitaria y que tienen un mayor riesgo de padecer cáncer.

El convenio fomentará la investigación en enfermedades de base autoinmune sistémica que afectan especialmente a mujeres en edad fértil y que, por lo tanto, pueden aparecer durante la gestación.

Las principales líneas de investigación del VHIR en este campo se han centrado en las inmunodeficiencias primarias y las enfermedades autoinmunitarias órgano-específicas y, progresivamente, se van ampliando a otras patologías.

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