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Diana Fernandes de Rafael

I possess a Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences (2010) granted by the Faculty of Pharmacy from the Lisbon University, and a PhD degree in Pharmaceutical Technology (2017) from the same University. During my PhD I had the opportunity to do research stays at Ludwig Maximillian University (LMU), Munich, Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) and Vall D'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), Barcelona. Actually, I am a post-doctoral researcher at Drug Delivery and Targeting Group, VHIR working in the field of nanotechnology-based drug delivery systems applied to several diseases.

Instituciones de las que forman parte

Investigador/a principal
Bioquímica Clínica, Vehiculización de Fármacos y Terapia
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
Diana Fernandes de Rafael

Diana Fernandes de Rafael

Diana Fernandes de Rafael

Instituciones de las que forman parte

Investigador/a principal
Bioquímica Clínica, Vehiculización de Fármacos y Terapia
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

I possess a Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences (2010) granted by the Faculty of Pharmacy from the Lisbon University, and a PhD degree in Pharmaceutical Technology (2017) from the same University. During my PhD I had the opportunity to do research stays at Ludwig Maximillian University (LMU), Munich, Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) and Vall D'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), Barcelona. Actually, I am a post-doctoral researcher at Drug Delivery and Targeting Group, VHIR working in the field of nanotechnology-based drug delivery systems applied to several diseases.

Being a multidisciplinary scientist, during 10 years of research career I acquired expertise in different areas of knowledge such as Pharmaceutical Technology, Nanomedicine, Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Cancer Signalling Pathways, Preclinical Validation, etc. My board knowledge in the field of biomedical sciences granted by my training as pharmacist and my research experience, allowed me to have a comprehensive and integrative view of the different stages of drug development from the bench to the bedside. My career has been fully dedicated to the design, development, and preclinical validation of innovative delivery systems for a wide range of challenging diseases with a special attention to oncology.
My active participation at different international projects (12) and collaborations with a variety of research groups have resulted in the authorship of several publications in high impact peer-reviewed journals (35 publications, 15 as corresponding/first author, h-index 18). Also, she is co-inventor of two patents about delivery systems for gene delivery and the creation of cell penetrating peptides. Moreover, I am truly active in science dissemination both to share the knowhow with the pairs at international conferences, and also in citizenship dissemination actions. Additionally, due to her experience in the fields of Pharmaceutical Technology and Molecular Biology, I am giving classes at the Master of Molecular Biotechnology from the University of Barcelona. Most importantly, I was responsible for the supervision of the thesis of different pre-graduated, master and PhD students (14).


(Nano) systems with active targeting to sensitize colorectal cancer stem cells to anti-tumoral treatment Target4Cancer

IP: Simon Schwartz Navarro
Colaboradores: Laura García Latorre, Joaquin Seras Franzoso, Diana Fernandes de Rafael
Entidad financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Financiación: 143385
Referencia: AC15/00092
Duración: 01/01/2016 - 30/09/2019

Liberación dirigida de nanoconjugados de inhibidor de Alox5 contra células madre tumorales

IP: Simon Schwartz Navarro
Colaboradores: Laura García Latorre, Diana Fernandes de Rafael
Entidad financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Financiación: 171215
Referencia: PI14/02079
Duración: 01/01/2015 - 31/12/2017

Noticias relacionadas

Mediante tomografía computerizada (TAC), con o sin contraste, es posible realizar una detección precisa y segura de la enfermedad sin necesidad de biopsias y evitando las limitaciones de otras herramientas diagnósticas no invasivas.

El proyecto europeo, en el que participa Vall d’Hebron, favorecerá el diagnóstico personalizado y estrategias terapéuticas innovadoras en pacientes con la enfermedad.

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