Maria Pilar Delgado Martínez Instituciones de las que forman parte Investigador/a principal Enfermedades Neurovasculares Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca Email Maria Pilar Delgado Martínez Email Instituciones de las que forman parte Investigador/a principal Enfermedades Neurovasculares Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
Líneas de investigación L6 Stroke Prevention Since cerebrovascular diseases and dementia are responsible for a huge economic burden, the early detection of patients at high risk for them, and the implementation of preventive measures as soon as possible, might be of great interest and profit. The purposes of our research are: - To promote awareness and knowledge of stroke in the general population and enhance collaboration between primary care services and hospital departments. - To accurately predict those patients at high-risk for first stroke by the determination of novel risk factors or markers (neuroimaging or biological markers), and therefore to improve stroke risk stratification. - To incorporate a standardized assessment of cognition in stroke research. - To determine why interventions may be or not widely applied by means of cost-efficiency studies. - To study quantitative predictors of preventive treatment compliance. Future project: “Silent cerebral infarction detection and biomarkers associated with the risk of stroke in hypertensive spanish population”. Silent cerebral infarctions (SCI) detected with neuroimaging techniques, particularly with brain MRI, are common in aged healthy population and even more frequent in selected patients at risk, such as hypertensive patients. SCI constitute a preclinical stage of cerebrovascular disease and might precede both stroke and cognitive decline; therefore we think that their identification in hypertensive patients would be an adequate and cost-efficient tool, to avoid further strokes and dementia. Our current project will include a estimated sample size of 1000 hypertensive patients, without known history of cerebrovascular disease or dementia. Silent Cerebral Infarctions (SCI) will be detected by MRI and the determination of several clinical and biological factors (plasma and genetic biomarkers) will be performed on baseline. The patients will be followed-up for at least 3 years, to assess the presence of incident strokes and/or cognitive impairment. This study will allow us to determine the prevalence of silent cerebral infarctions in our setting, which is largely unknown. Also, the identification of SCI will help us to better define the risk stratification in hypertensive patients. Patients at higher risk will be our target population for the development of new preventive strategies based on the results of randomized clinical trials. Finally, this project will be carried out thanks to the collaboration between Neurovascular Research Laboratory, Primary Care Physicians Services and Nephrology Department of Vall d’Hebron, among others, and therefore, the improvement of the link between Primary Care Systems and the remaining hospitalary services, will favor in the future the preventive treatment and care of the patients. IP: Maria Pilar Delgado Martínez Proyectos Alt risc de Fibril.lació Auricular, Ictus Silent i trastorn COgnitiu: estudi multicéntric, prospectiu i aleatori (PREFA-TE) IP: - Colaboradores: Maria Pilar Delgado Martínez Entidad financiadora: Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament de Salut Financiación: 27950.35 Referencia: SLT021/21/000027 Duración: 01/04/2022 - 31/12/2024 Malalties neurovasculars IP: Anna Rosell Novel Colaboradores: Mercedes Arrúe Gonzalo, Joan Montaner Villalonga, Anna Penalba Morenilla, Maria Mar Hernandez Guillamon, Olga Maisterra Santos, Maria Pilar Delgado Martínez, Antonio Palasi Franco, Jesús Pizarro Gonzálvez, Miguel García Gabilondo, Nicolas Garcia Rodriguez Entidad financiadora: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca Financiación: 40000 Referencia: 2021 SGR 00656 Duración: 01/01/2022 - 30/06/2025 RICORS-ICTUS IP: Anna Rosell Novel Colaboradores: Anna Penalba Morenilla, Maria Mar Hernandez Guillamon, Olga Maisterra Santos, Maria Pilar Delgado Martínez, Jesús Pizarro Gonzálvez Entidad financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Financiación: 250214.8 Referencia: RD21/0006/0007 Duración: 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2024 PI19. Demencia mixta por enfermedad de Alzheimer y cerebrovascular: un estudio clínico y experimental. IP: Maria Pilar Delgado Martínez Colaboradores: - Entidad financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Financiación: 60000 Referencia: INT20/00084 Duración: 01/06/2021 - 31/12/2022 Paginación Página actual 1 Página 2 Página 3 Página 4 Página 5 … Siguiente página › Última página »