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Marta Sorribes Puertas

I am a psychologist with over twenty years of experience in the field of addiction treatment. My professional interest has led me to specialize in the treatment of alcoholism. Currently, I am part of the Psychiatry Service at the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital and carry out my professional activities within the Addiction and Dual Disorders area. I am a strong advocate for public healthcare, my daily commitment is to work with the enthusiasm, dedication, and respect that our patients deserve.

Instituciones de las que forman parte

Técnico de investigación
Psiquiatría, Salud Mental y Adicciones
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
Hospital General

Marta Sorribes Puertas

Instituciones de las que forman parte

Técnico de investigación
Psiquiatría, Salud Mental y Adicciones
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
Hospital General

I am a psychologist with over twenty years of experience in the field of addiction treatment. My professional interest has led me to specialize in the treatment of alcoholism. Currently, I am part of the Psychiatry Service at the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital and carry out my professional activities within the Addiction and Dual Disorders area. I am a strong advocate for public healthcare, my daily commitment is to work with the enthusiasm, dedication, and respect that our patients deserve.

I began my professional career at the Catalan Health Institute as a psychologist in the Alcoholism Unit of the Primary Care Area in Barcelona in 1998. Since 2013, I have worked as a psychologist in the Addiction and Dual Pathology area of the Mental Health Service at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital.

In the academic field, I train both internal and external Clinical Psychology residents during their rotation in the Addiction and Dual Disorders area. In the field of research, I have participated in various scientific publications and projects related to mental health and dual pathology, and I have also been a speaker at national and international conferences.

Noticias relacionadas

El programa de formación doctoral de excelencia liderado por la UAB TOUCH MSCA-COFUND, centrado en el ámbito de la salud mental, abre hasta el 31 de marzo su segunda convocatoria.

Las entidades han firmado un convenio de colaboración para evaluar el impacto de la intervención educativa con perros en la mejora de las habilidades sociales y la autorregulación emocional durante la primera infancia.

La irritabilidad en el TDAH y el Trastorno Límite de la Personalidad es un síntoma poco estudiado que tiene un gran impacto en la calidad de vida de los pacientes y que incluso puede aumentar el riesgo de suicidio

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