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Mireia Lopez Corbeto

I graduated in Medicine from the University of Barcelona and in 2017 I completed my training in Rheumatology at the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital. During my formative period I did a four month training stay at the University of Alabama and Children's Hospital at Birmingham (Alabama, United States) in Pediatric Rheumatology. At the end of the residency I combined care tasks at the Pediatric Rheumatology Unit with research, developing my PhD program in the framework of a study funded by the Carlos III Health Research Fund (FIS), focused on the study of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and precision medicine. I recently completed a study placement at the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology (Alabama, USA) focused on computational biology and bioinformatics.   I continue my educational activity pursuing the Master's Degree in Research Methodology in Health Sciences of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​and I participate in national and international courses, congresses and scientific conferences in the field of Pediatric Rheumatology. I take an active part in the spread of childhood rheumatic diseases in training courses for professionals and workshops for families.

Instituciones de las que forman parte

Investigador/a principal
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
Hospital Traumatologia, Rehabilitació i Cremats
Mireia Lopez Corbeto

Mireia Lopez Corbeto

Mireia Lopez Corbeto

Instituciones de las que forman parte

Investigador/a principal
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
Hospital Traumatologia, Rehabilitació i Cremats

I graduated in Medicine from the University of Barcelona and in 2017 I completed my training in Rheumatology at the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital. During my formative period I did a four month training stay at the University of Alabama and Children's Hospital at Birmingham (Alabama, United States) in Pediatric Rheumatology. At the end of the residency I combined care tasks at the Pediatric Rheumatology Unit with research, developing my PhD program in the framework of a study funded by the Carlos III Health Research Fund (FIS), focused on the study of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and precision medicine. I recently completed a study placement at the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology (Alabama, USA) focused on computational biology and bioinformatics.   I continue my educational activity pursuing the Master's Degree in Research Methodology in Health Sciences of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​and I participate in national and international courses, congresses and scientific conferences in the field of Pediatric Rheumatology. I take an active part in the spread of childhood rheumatic diseases in training courses for professionals and workshops for families.

I am an assistant doctor in the Rheumatology service and I develop my medical activity in the Pediatric Rheumatology and Rheumatology unit of the young adult. The Unit offers a comprehensive follow-up of pediatric patients through outpatient clinics and evaluation of patients admitted with pediatric rheumatic pathology. We also evaluate pediatric musculoskeletal pathology with joint ultrasound and diagnostic-therapeutic tests such as arthrocentesis and joint infiltration.


Caracterización por single cell RNA-seq de las células T patogénicas en la artritis idiopática juvenil oliogarticular, estudio de aplicabilidad translacional.

IP: Mireia Lopez Corbeto
Colaboradores: -
Entidad financiadora: Sociedad Española de Reumatología Pediátrica SERP
Financiación: 8000
Duración: 30/12/2022 - 29/12/2024


IP: Mireia Lopez Corbeto
Colaboradores: -
Entidad financiadora: Stat Catalana Reumatologia – ACMSCB
Financiación: 6000
Referencia: SCR/BECAABBIE/2020/LOPEZ
Duración: 01/01/2020 - 31/03/2021

Caracterización de RNA-seq de células individuales de células T CD4 + patológicas en artritis idiopática juvenil oligoarticular y estudio de aplicabilidad traslacional

IP: Sara Marsal Barril
Colaboradores: Nuria Palau Balaña, Luis Riera Soler, Estefania Moreno Ruzafa, Mireia Lopez Corbeto, Adria Aterido Ballonga
Entidad financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Financiación: 208120
Referencia: PI19/00225
Duración: 01/01/2020 - 30/06/2024

Estudio de las enfermedades inflamatorias mediadas por inmunidad (Immuno-mediated Inflammatory Diseases, IMIDs) en el marco de la Medicina de Precisión.

IP: Sara Marsal Barril
Colaboradores: Mireia Lopez Corbeto, Laia Perez Lasarte
Entidad financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Financiación: 53732
Referencia: CM18/00012
Duración: 01/01/2019 - 09/01/2022

Noticias relacionadas

La media para llegar al diagnóstico de una enfermedad minoritaria es de 5 años. Vall d'Hebron, el centro del Estado con más ensayos clínicos autorizados, se suma ahora a la nueva alianza europea ERDERA para coordinar y agilizar la investigación.

La Semana de la Ciencia se dirige a todos los públicos y tiene como objetivos hacer accesible la ciencia y la tecnología a la ciudadanía y fomentar las vocaciones científicas entre los más jóvenes.

Una veintena de investigadores e investigadoras participan en charlas y talleres para acercar la ciencia a todo el mundo.

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