Pablo García Manau I obtained a degree in Medicine and I am a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, with a particular interest in perinatal and fetal medicine, which comprises pathologies affecting the fetus, their management and intrauterine treatment, whenever required. I am a member of the Research Group in fetal maternal medicine from the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute. I focus on the prenatal surgical treatment of the fetus with spina bifida, in which our institution is an international reference. Instituciones de las que forman parte Investigador predoctoral Medicina Materna y Fetal Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca Médico Ginecología Hospital Infantil i Hospital de la Mujer Pablo García Manau Instituciones de las que forman parte Investigador predoctoral Medicina Materna y Fetal Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca Médico Ginecología Hospital Infantil i Hospital de la Mujer I obtained a degree in Medicine and I am a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, with a particular interest in perinatal and fetal medicine, which comprises pathologies affecting the fetus, their management and intrauterine treatment, whenever required. I am a member of the Research Group in fetal maternal medicine from the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute. I focus on the prenatal surgical treatment of the fetus with spina bifida, in which our institution is an international reference.
I obtained my degree in Medicine from the University of Barcelona and I specialized in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Mútua de Terrassa University Hospital. During those years I focused mainly on maternalfetal medicine, I took part in many courses and congresses and I participated actively in the production of scientific papers and hospital guidelines. Currently I belong to the Obstetrics Department of Vall d’Hebron Hospital, where I develop my career in fetal medicine and particularly research on prenatal surgical treatment of spina bifida. Vall d’Hebron Hospital is known worldwide for its work on this pathology and its treatment, with a multidisciplinary approach from fetal life through adulthood.
Proyectos Detección, en segundo trimestre, de los falsos positivos del cribado de preeclampsia de primer trimestre (StopPRE) IP: Anna Suy Franch Colaboradores: Maria Ángeles Sánchez Durán, Manel Mendoza Cobaleda, Inés Zulema Calero Fernández, Pablo García Manau, Maite Avilés García, Erika Bonacina Entidad financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Financiación: 176055 Referencia: PI17/01944 Duración: 01/01/2018 - 30/06/2022 Paginación Primera página « Página anterior ‹ Página 1 Página actual 2