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Roser Ferrer Costa

I'm the Head of Clinical Biochemistry Service at Hospital's Clinical Laboratories and co-chief of Clinical Biochemistry Group, Pharmaceutical Vehiculation and VHIR Research Therapy. I lead a team of professionals in clinical biochemistry, developing care, teaching and research, with a project towards the highest excellence. I am a PhD in Biomedicine for UB, a specialist in the area of knowledge of clinical biochemistry of hormones and a master's degree in Health Institutions Management and currently an Associate Professor of the UAB.

Instituciones de las que forman parte

Jefe de grupo
Bioquímica Clínica, Vehiculización de Fármacos y Terapia
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
Jefe de Servicio
Serveis transversals

Roser Ferrer Costa

Instituciones de las que forman parte

Jefe de grupo
Bioquímica Clínica, Vehiculización de Fármacos y Terapia
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
Jefe de Servicio
Serveis transversals

I'm the Head of Clinical Biochemistry Service at Hospital's Clinical Laboratories and co-chief of Clinical Biochemistry Group, Pharmaceutical Vehiculation and VHIR Research Therapy. I lead a team of professionals in clinical biochemistry, developing care, teaching and research, with a project towards the highest excellence. I am a PhD in Biomedicine for UB, a specialist in the area of knowledge of clinical biochemistry of hormones and a master's degree in Health Institutions Management and currently an Associate Professor of the UAB.

Healthcare activity:
Since 2007 I have been working at the University Hospital, where I trained as a specialist in Clinical Biochemistry (2003). I am a trained pharmacist and until 2019 I was responsible for the Hormone Process (Endocrin Pathology) of the same Service and later Head of Section of the Automated Laboratory. Since 2023, I have been Head of Clinical Biochemistry Service.

The Clinical Biochemistry Service is part of the Clinical Laboratories of the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, which also provides coverage for the entire population, with pubic health care, of the city of Barcelona (1.5 million people).
In 2019 I completed my master's degree in Health Institutions Management, I have training in healthcare processes and specialisation in automation, concepts that I try to apply in my usual practice and in the Service. Finally, I am the secretary of the hospital's In Vitro Diagnostic Commission.

Research activity:
I am a Doctor of Biomedicine from the University of Barcelona (2015) and co-chief of Clinical Biochemistry Group, Vehiculation of Pharmacists and Therapy Research from the Research Institute of the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital since 2023. In recent years I have been actively involved in different publications of the Service itself and in collaboration with research groups and hospital services.
Attached to the eCore Personalized Medicine, Innovative Diagnostics, Molecular Imaging . Digital Health of VHIR.
I am president of the Catalan Clinical Laboratory Science Association (since June 2021) and member of the Hormone Commission (since 2011) and of the Executive Committee (since 2018) of the Spanish Society of Medicine of the Laboratory (SEQCML).

Docent Activity:
I am currently Associate Professor of the Autonomous University of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Medicine Biochemistry Unit.
I am participating in the postgraduate doctoral thesis management of the Biochemistry Service.


Efecto de la suplementación con vitamina D en la prevención de las bronquitis agudas durante el primer año de vida

IP: Antonio Moreno Galdó
Colaboradores: Roser Ferrer Costa, Alba Torrent Vernetta
Entidad financiadora: Ministerio Sanidad
Financiación: 148410
Referencia: EC11-476
Duración: 01/01/2012 - 31/10/2017

Noticias relacionadas

El encuentro ha sido una oportunidad para conocer proyectos de ambas instituciones y promover la interacción entre los profesionales.

El trabajo busca una nueva estrategia terapéutica más efectiva para tratar las malformaciones arteriovenosas cerebrales, una de las causas principales de ictus en menores y jóvenes.

Inscríbete en las actividades de divulgación científica que tendrán lugar entre el 12 y 15 de noviembre.

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