About the VHIR
Here at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) we promote biomedical research, innovation and teaching. Over 1,800 people are seeking to understand diseases today so the treatment can be improved tomorrow.
We are working to understand diseases, to find out how they operate and to create better treatments for patients. Get to know about our groups and their lines of research.
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Clinical trials
Our work is not just basic or translational; we are leaders in clinical research. Enter and find about the clinical trials we are conducting and why we are a world reference in this field.
Our aim is to make the research carried out at the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) a driving force for transformation. How? By identifying new channels and solutions for the promotion of people's health and well-being.
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Stroke is a medical emergency and a leading cause of death and disability worldwide affecting millions of subjects. In this context the Neurovascular Research Laboratory was created in 2001 focused in stroke research from a basic and translational perspective, covering all stages of the disease: from prevention and treatment, to recovery.
Nowadays our team is composed by a highly motivated group of researchers including clinical and basic scientists, with group leaders involved in National and International projects with public or private research funding on biomarkers for clinical decision making in stroke, the presence of silent infarctions, the assessment of cognition and cognitive decline, developing experimental models of cerebral ischemia testing new treatments complementary to reperfusion, and developing studies on cerebral amyloid angiopathy, tissue neurorepair or post-stroke rehabilitation.
Complementary studies on vascular dementia and Alzheimer disease related to amyloid-beta protein have also been encompassed as part of our research in the last years.
The use of plasma biomarkers is becoming increasingly popular in several fields of medicine. In fact, decision-making processes using biomarkers is widely accepted in medical situations such as initiating lipid lowering therapies (LDL), diagnosing acute myocardial infarction (troponins), and ruling out pulmonary embolism suspicions (D-dimer), among others.
Therefore we really believe that biochemical markers of stroke, will really open “a window to the brain…”. In fact, in this research line we aim to answer relevant clinical questions through the use of biomarkers.
Our main Objectives using mainly plasma proteins are:
1.- To predict stroke risk
2.- To make stroke diagnosis
3.- To differentiate stroke subtypes
4.- To establish evolution and prognosis
5.- To use Biomarkers as treatment end-points
Some of our findings might have therapeutic implications since biological markers described by the group such as MMP-9 are well associated with Blood Brain Barrier disruption. In this direction, we have described MMP-9 predicting haemorrhagic complications among stroke patients receiving thrombolytic treatment. These approaches might contribute to increase safety of reperfusion treatments. The impact of this research line is clear, since articles like this (Circulation 2003) have been cited more than 180 times since its publication.
The study of these molecules will also have diagnostic implications because we have proposed the biochemical diagnostic of stroke by means of the identification of a biomarkers panel that distinguish between a stroke and other stroke-mimicking conditions. This might contribute to refer only to real stroke patients to the stroke centres, saving huge resources to the system.
These two examples, identification of biomarkers to predict tPA related bleedings and a stroke diagnostic test are examples of translational research in which the Neurovascular Research Lab is filing patents to be licensed to Biotech companies able to develop diagnostic kits in which our biomarkers might be placed and used in the clinical practice. That might close the circle of applied research.
Reviews of our group in which you may find detailed info about those biomarkers:
Foerch C, Montaner J, Furie KL, Ning MM, Lo EH.
Searching for oracles? Blood biomarkers in acute stroke
Neurology. 2009;73(5):393-9.
Montaner J.
Blood biomarkers to guide stroke thrombolysis.
Front Biosci (Elite Ed). 2009 Jun 1;1:200-208.
García-Berrocoso T, Fernández-Cadenas I, Delgado P, Rosell A, Montaner J.
Blood Biomarkers to Identify Stroke Etiologies.
Therapy 2010 (in press).
We are involved in several projects with public or private funding supporting our research on stroke biomarkers. One of such exciting projects is FIS PI 08/361 “Identificación y uso de biomarcadores pronósticos en el ictus isquémico”, aiming to identify biomarkers that predict main causes of stroke worsening (Infarct growth, cardiac complications, hemorrhagic transformation, infections, recurrence or new vascular events) to guide Stroke Unit allocation and stay of our patients.
International Collaborations
Discovery and validation of good candidate biomarkers, requires multidisciplinary approaches and replication in well designed multicentric and international studies. For that purpose we are actively collaborating with well known stroke research leading groups:
- Eng Lo, Xiaoing Wang, Ming Ming Ning (Boston, USA).
- Jean Charles Sanchez, Natacha Turck (Geneva, Switzerland).
- Denis Vivien, Carine Ali, Eduardo Anglés-Cano (Caen, France).
Research Tools and Techniques
We are using a combination of discovery techniques and biological human and animal samples to identify new stroke-related biomarkers:
One example is the “protein arrays”. In our laboratory, we have been using these new technologies and we actually use the SearchLight Assays (Aushon Biosystems) that allows us to study more than 170 human proteins and also many candidates from different animal species. We offer access to our technology to other groups. For more information, please refer to http://www.lin-bcn.com/
Also those biomarkers may be specifically tested not only as circulating markers in plasma or serum but in the components of interest of the Neurovascular Unit, that we may dissect by using the LCM Leica LMD6000 microscope, for Laser Capture microdissection. An example in which combine both thecniques may be found at:
Cuadrado E, Rosell A, Penalba A, Slevin M, Alvarez-Sabin J, Ortega-Aznar A, Montaner J. Vascular MMP-9/TIMP-2 and neuronal MMP-10 up-regulation in human brain after stroke: a combined Laser Microdissection and Protein Array Study. Journal of Proteome Research 2009;8(6):3191-3197.
All these results have been possible since the development of a “blood library” including more than 2000 stroke samples and a “brain library” that allowed us to describe for the first time the “human stroke proteome” with the outstanding collaboration of so many patients, relatives and clinicians of the Stroke Unit.
IP: Joan Montaner Villalonga, Anna Penalba Morenilla
The only approved stroke treatment so far is the acute thrombolytic therapy with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) when administered within 3-4.5 hours after symptoms onset. However, a reduced number of patients (5-8%) profit by this treatment, primarily because of the narrow therapeutic time-window and the risk of brain bleedings beyond thromrbolytic therapy to achieve the recanalization of the occluded artery. Moreover, the inflammatory response that accompanied necrotic brain injury contributes to aggravate acutely the progression of ischemic pathology. Inflammatory and brain damaged cells release a variety of cytotoxic agents including cytokines, MMPs and ROS which induce more cell damage as well as disruption of BBB and brain edema.
Thereby, it would be desirable to improve the efficacy and safety for thrombolytic therapy of stroke using combined anti-inflammatory strategies that may ameliorate the ischemic injury and means the best therapy translated at the clinical level.
Our research, conducted on experimental models of cerebral ischemia, is focused on the development of neuroprotective strategies aimed to salvage ischemic brain tissue by means complementary to reperfusion. Our goal is to find out a multimodal treatment that combines the administration of tPA together with other co-agents (as simvastatin and/or anti-aggregants with anti-inflammatory and neuro-protective properties) in attempt to obtain the most therapeutic benefice in the acute phase of ischemic stroke.
Ischemic stroke has a complex pathophysiology involving the interplay of many different cells and tissues. Animal models of ischemic stroke are procedures inducing cerebral ischemia, which mimicked satisfactorily this cerebrovascular disease. Therefore, research stroke conducted on animal models has been shown essential for treatment approach of ischemic stroke.
Intra-arterial Suture Occlusion Model of Focal Cerebral Ischemia
Infarction in the territory of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) is induced by extracranial vascular occlusion on rat. A heat-blunted 4/0 nylon-monofilament is used to block the origin of MCA during 90 or 120 min and then, the monofilament is removed and reperfusion is allowed during the followed 24, 48 or 72 h.
This model mimics a clinical situation where recanalization of the occluded artery takes place, allowing test neuroprotectants that could be potentially co-administered with reperfusion agents like tPA.
Embolic Model of Focal Cerebral Ischemia
The stroke animal model by clot embolism has a large scientific interest in the clinical field because the high incidence of human thrombotic stroke and the use of reperfusion therapy with tPA, which can be assay on this model. Thromboembolic occlusion at the proximal level of MCA is achieved by injection of a rich fibrin clot through the internal carotid artery in the rat. Clots are previously performed using arterial blood from a donor rat. Thrombolytic therapy with tPA (9 mg/Kg) is administered by tail vein infusion (2 mg/mL;75 ?l/min) at different times points (2, 3, 4 hours) after occlusion.
Relative Cerebral Blood Flow (rCBF) is measured in the cortex supplied by the MCA by continuous Laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) to ensure the successful of the artery occlusion or reperfusion in these models. To examine the grade of infarction on rats, analysis of the infarct volume is evaluated using 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) staining and neurological score is assayed with a 9-point neurological at baseline (1-2 h) and each 24 h after occlusion.
NMR Imaging
Bruker-BIOSPEC 70/30 USR, 7 T Preclinical MRI System is used for the neuroimaging studies. Neuroimaging studies are conducted in vivo to valuate the cytotoxic edema and ischemic lesion (DWI, ADC map and T2WI) in the acute phase. Specific sequences are performed to assess Brain-Blood Barrier disruption (DCE) and occurrences of intracranial hemorrhages (T2*WI). Angiography is performed to document MCA occlusion or recanalization.
IP: Joan Montaner Villalonga
New therapies beyond the hyperacute phase of stroke are needed to be able to treat much more patients in delayed phases of this devastating disease. The idea that neurovascular plasticity contributes to stroke recovery can be a powerful concept for stroke therapy. Obviously, the therapeutic time window for interventions based on promoting recovery would be much larger than those for targeting acute stroke. In this context, long-term neuroreparative therapies will have to target the two essential phenomena to achieve brain neurorecovery after stroke: to restore the cerebral blood flow and to promote Neuroregeneration.
To achieve these major goals, both angiogenesis and neurogenesis need to be enhanced in the ischemic brain.
Classically, the formation of new blood vessels was thought to be mediated exclusively by embryogenic vasculogenesis followed by the sprouting of endothelial cells from preexisting vessels during angiogenesis. In the last decade, this standard dogma was overturned with the identification of the existence of circulating bone marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs). These cells are capable of differentiating, ex vivo, into endothelial-phenotyped cells, and now comprise a new model for endothelial generation and vessel repair (Asahara et al., 1997). These cells comprise a potential cell-based and growth-factor source of an alternate approach to enhance angio-neurogenic responses. In fact, newborn neurons (neurogenesis) and new vascular components (angiogenesis) form a microenvironment that has been termed the neurovascular niche [Ohab et al., 2006] were angiogenesis and neurogenesis are linked thorough specific growth factors.
Angiogenesis and neurogenesis occur endogenously after stroke. Our goal is to study these two complex phenomena both in experimental and human studies to finally potentiate them correctly to improve brain function and neurorecovery after stroke.
Experimental Models and Techniques
In vivo stroke models:
Cerebral ischemia affecting the cortical territory of the Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA) is occluded at the level of the M1 portion (distal occlusion). This model has been chosen because presents very low mortality rates allowing long-term studies. Besides, the infarct is restricted to the cortex with clear boundary areas with normal cerebral blood flow and never affects neuroblast-rich areas such as the subventricular zone (then, both angiogenesis and neurogenesis can occur).
Functional outcome is assessed by the cylinder and corner tests which have been reported to be appropriate test for this type of cortical infarcts. Besides, histology and immunohistochemistry studies are conducted to evaluate brain repair and angio-neurogenic processes.
Endothelial Progenitor Cell Cultures:
EPCs are obtained from the Mononuclear cell fraction of human blood and from mouse spleen. MNCs are cultured in fibronectin-coated plates with complete cell culture medium EGM-2MV.
Both in human and murine cell cultures yield an early EPC population (also called Circulating Angiogenic Cells) obtained at day 4-7 after plating and late outgrowth EPC colonies (also called Endothelial Colony Forming Cells) appear from day 10 as colonies with high proliferation capacity and tubulogenic capacity.
In vitro Oxygen-Glucose Deprivation: endothelial cells and Endothelial progenitor cells are challenged to a transitory Oxygen and Glucose deprivation to study their angio-vasculogenic responses to ischemia and to test how potential treatments that could modify these responses.
Angiogenesis-related techniques: angio-vasculogenic mechanisms are studied in a variety of in vitro assays including Matrigel® tubulogenesis, cell migration using trans-well assays or cell adhesion to a mature monolayer of endothelial cells. Our studies focus on the angio-vasculogenic responses of both Endothelial Progenitor Cells and mature endothelial cells such as the human cell line of microvascular endothelial cells (hCMEC/D3).
NMR Imaging: Bruker-BIOSPEC 70/30 USR, 7 T Preclinical MRI System is used for the neuroimaging studies. Neuroimaging studies are conducted in vivo to follow-up the ischemic lesion. Specific sequences are performed to assess axonal degeneration/regeneration and changes in cerebral blood flow and angiogenesis.
IP: Anna Rosell Novel
Current project:
Involment of proteolytic systems in the progression of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is produced by the accumulation of ß-amyloid protein within the meningeal and brain vessels. It is the second leading cause of cerebral hemorrhages. However, nowadays, factors related to brain bleedings following amyloid deposition are largely unknown. The understanding of the mollecular mechanisms that lead to cerebral hemorrhage may be the basis for future treatments.
Previous evidences of our group have shown that Matrix Metal•loproteinases (MMPs) are related to brain bleeding. Now, we aim to investigate the relationship between these proteolytic systems and the appearance of intracraneal hemorrages in CAA.
Our study includes:
1) The identification of both tissue and plasma biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of CAA-related hemorrhages.
2) The search of the genetic markers related to proteolytic systems that could determine the risk of suffering a recurrence in CAA.
We are studying a cohort of probable CAA patients that have been recruited in Hospital Vall d’Hebron in collaboration with the Stroke Project of the Cerebrovascular Diseases Study Group (Spanish Society of Neurology).
3) The study of MMPs role in ß-amyloid stimulated vascular cells in vitro.
Cultured cells of the neurovascular unit are challenged with different ß-amyloid peptides and the implication of MMPs in ß-amyloid cleavage and cell toxicity are studied using cellular and molecular biology methodology.
For this purpose, we use the human cerebral endothelial cell line hCMEC/D3, primary cultures of human leptomeningeal smooth muscle cells and rat/mouse glial and neuronal cultures.
Thioflavin-S staining of fibillar ß-amyloid within brain vessels of CAA patient’s sections.
Related bibliography:
1) Hernández-Guillamon M, Delgado P, Ortega L, Pares M, Rosell A, García-Bonilla L, Fernández-Cadenas I, Borrell-Pagès M, Boada M, Montaner J. Neuronal TIMP-1 release accompanies astrocytic MMP-9 secretion and enhances astrocyte proliferation induced by beta-amyloid 25-35 fragment. J Neurosci Res. 2009 Jul;87(9):2115-25.
2) Rosell A, Ortega-Aznar A, Alvarez-Sabín J, Fernández-Cadenas I, Ribó M, Molina CA, Lo EH, Montaner J. Increased brain expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 after ischemic and hemorrhagic human stroke. Stroke. 2006 Jun;37(6):1399-406.
3) Alvarez-Sabín J, Delgado P, Abilleira S, Molina CA, Arenillas J, Ribó M, Santamarina E, Quintana M, Monasterio J, Montaner J. Temporal profile of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors after spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: relationship to clinical and radiological outcome. Stroke. 2004 Jun;35(6):1316-22.
4) Montaner J, Molina CA, Monasterio J, Abilleira S, Arenillas JF, Ribó M, Quintana M, Alvarez-Sabín J. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 pretreatment level predicts intracranial hemorrhagic complications after thrombolysis in human stroke. Circulation. 2003 Feb 4;107(4):598-603.
Mercè Boada
Fundació ACE, Barcelona, Spain.
Jorge Ghiso and Agueda Rostagno
Pathology Dept. Langone Medical Center. NYU
New York, US.
Ignacio Romero
Life Science Dept. Open University.
Milton Keynes, UK.
IP: Maria Mar Hernandez Guillamon
IP: Anna Rosell Novel Collaborators: - Funding agency: Fundació Institut de Recerca HUVH Funding: 160000 Reference: ROSELL/BOOST/2024 Duration: 15/11/2024 - 14/11/2028
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PMID: 34702368 Journal: Stem Cell Research & Therapy Year: 2021 Reference: Stem Cell Res Ther. 2021 Oct 26;12(1):552. doi: 10.1186/s13287-021-02608-y. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Bugno, Paulina; Duban-Deweer, Sophie; Garcia-Gabilondo, Miguel; Gosselet, Fabien; Grayston, Alba; Hachani, Johan; Kanda, Takashi; Kowalska, Agnieszka; Loiola, Rodrigo Azevedo; Mazurek, Maciej Piotr et al. DOI: 10.1186/s13287-021-02608-y
PMID: 33585816 Journal: Brain communications Year: 2020 Reference: Brain Commun. 2020 Jun 4;2(2):fcaa078. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcaa078. eCollection 2020. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Avila-Gomez, Paulo; Bashir, Saima; Bustamante, Alejandro; Campos, Francisco; Castillo, Jose; Correa-Paz, Clara; Dopico-Lopez, Antonio; Fernandez-Susavila, Hector; Gubern, Carme; Hervella, Pablo et al. DOI: 10.1093/braincomms/fcaa078
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PMID: 31984233 Journal: European stroke journal Year: 2019 Reference: Eur Stroke J. 2019 Sep;4(3):254-262. doi: 10.1177/2396987319844690. Epub 2019 Apr 20. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Bath, Philip Mw; Bathula, Raj; Christensen, Hanne; Colam, Bridget; Cordonnier, Charlotte; Demotes-Mainard, Jacques; Durand-Zaleski, Isabelle; Gluud, Christian; Jakobsen, Janus Christian; Kallmunzer, Bernd et al. DOI: 10.1177/2396987319844690
PMID: 31915532 Journal: Future science OA Year: 2019 Reference: Future Sci OA. 2019 Nov 5;6(1):FSO431. doi: 10.2144/fsoa-2019-0090. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Bustamante, Alejandro; Canhao, Patricia; de Torres, Reyes; Fragata, Isabel; Mancha, Fernando; Montaner, Joan et al. DOI: 10.2144/fsoa-2019-0090
PMID: 31908800 Journal: BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care Year: 2019 Reference: BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2019 Dec 29;7(1):e000845. doi: 10.1136/bmjdrc-2019-000845. eCollection 2019. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Aguade-Bruix, Santiago; Baneras, Jordi; Boixadera, Anna; Ferreira, Ignacio; Garcia-Arumi, Jose; Garcia-Dorado, David; Genesca, Joan; Gonzalez-Alujas, Teresa; Gutierrez, Laura; Hernandez, Cristina et al. DOI: 10.1136/bmjdrc-2019-000845
PMID: 31903430 Journal: European stroke journal Year: 2019 Reference: Eur Stroke J. 2019 Dec;4(4):318-328. doi: 10.1177/2396987319851335. Epub 2019 May 27. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Bustamante, Alejandro; Chamorro, Angel; Garau, Javier; Jeans, Adam R; Kalra, Lalit; Katan, Mira; Kishore, Amit K; Langhorne, Peter; Meisel, Andreas; Montaner, Joan et al. DOI: 10.1177/2396987319851335
PMID: NOPMID022 Journal: EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL Year: 2018 Reference: First assessment of the clinical impact and confirmation of the diagnostic ability of the [...]. EUR HEART J. 39(s1)450 Impact factor: Publication type: Letter or abstract Authors: Aguade Bruix, Santiago; Almirante Gragera, Benito; Castell Conesa, Joan; Cuellar Calabria, Hug; Fernández Hidalgo, Nuria; Ferreira González, Ignacio; García-Dorado García, David; González Alujas, Teresa; Maisterra Santos, Olga; Pizzi , Maria Nazarena et al. DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehy565.P2274
PMID: 30571440 Journal: STROKE Year: 2018 Reference: Stroke. 2018 Dec;49(12):e329-e331. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.118.022915. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: De Marchis, Gian Marco; Elkind, Mitchell S V; Garcia-Berrocoso, Teresa; Katan, Mira et al. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.118.022915
PMID: 30515291 Journal: Parkinsons Disease Year: 2018 Reference: Parkinsons Dis. 2018 Nov 1;2018:8691495. doi: 10.1155/2018/8691495. eCollection 2018. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Alvarez-Sabin, Jose; De Fabregues, Oriol; Ferre, Alex; Quintana, Manuel; Romero, Odile et al. DOI: 10.1155/2018/8691495
PMID: 30397046 Journal: NEUROLOGY Year: 2018 Reference: Neurology. 2018 Nov 6;91(19):899. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000006466. Impact factor: Publication type: Letter or abstract Authors: Bustamante, Alejandro; Montaner, Joan et al. DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000006466
PMID: 31008316 Journal: European stroke journal Year: 2017 Reference: Eur Stroke J. 2017 Sep;2(3):229-237. doi: 10.1177/2396987317704547. Epub 2017 Apr 19. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Bevan, Steve; Fernandez-Cadenas, Israel; Hankey, Graeme J; Jern, Christina; Jimenez-Conde, Jordi; Jood, Katarina; Lee, Jin-Moo; Lemmens, Robin; Levi, Christopher; Lindgren, Arne et al. DOI: 10.1177/2396987317704547
PMID: 28017504 Journal: EPILEPSY RESEARCH Year: 2017 Reference: Epilepsy Res. 2017 Jan;129:174-175. doi: 10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2016.12.005. Epub 2016 Dec 22. Impact factor: Publication type: Letter or abstract Authors: Baigesr, J J; Camacho, J L; Campos, D; Carreno, M; Castillo, A; Esteve, P; Flores, J; Garces, M; Giner, P; Gomez, J B et al. DOI: 10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2016.12.005
PMID: 27919057 Journal: JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY Year: 2017 Reference: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2017 Jan;88(1):54-61. doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2016-314587. Epub 2016 Oct 19. Impact factor: Publication type: Review in national publication Authors: Arenillas, Juan F; Brown, Scott; Feldmann, Edward; Hinman, Jason D; Leung, Thomas W; Liebeskind, David S; Montaner, Joan; Muir, Keith W; Rost, Natalia S et al. DOI: 10.1136/jnnp-2016-314587
PMID: 27888142 Journal: Journal of Proteomics Year: 2017 Reference: J Proteomics. 2017 Jan 30;152:243-253. doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2016.11.014. Epub 2016 Nov 22. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Bronsoms, Silvia; Canals, Francesc; Faura, Julia; Feifei, Ma; Garcia-Berrocoso, Teresa; Hernandez-Guillamon, Mar; Llombart, Victor; Montaner, Joan; Morancho, Anna; Rosell, Anna et al. DOI: 10.1016/j.jprot.2016.11.014
PMID: 25064157 Journal: NEUROLOGIA Year: 2016 Reference: Neurologia. 2016 Mar;31(2):136. doi: 10.1016/j.nrl.2014.06.001. Epub 2014 Jul 23. Impact factor: Publication type: Letter or abstract Authors: Alonso de Lecinana, M; Caniego, J L; Casado, I; Davalos, A; Diez Tejedor, E; Egido, J A; Martinez-Vila, E; Masjuan, J; Ribo, M et al. DOI: 10.1016/j.nrl.2014.06.001
PMID: 24636132 Journal: NEUROLOGIA Year: 2016 Reference: Neurologia. 2016 Mar;31(2):121-9. doi: 10.1016/j.nrl.2013.12.020. Epub 2014 Mar 11. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Lopez Gonzalez, F J; Mauri Llerda, J A; Mercade Cerda, J M; Salas Puig, X; Sancho Rieger, J; Toledo Argani, M et al. DOI: 10.1016/j.nrl.2013.12.020
PMID: 31008281 Journal: European stroke journal Year: 2016 Reference: Eur Stroke J. 2016 Sep;1(3):205-212. doi: 10.1177/2396987316654337. Epub 2016 Jun 21. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Blanco-Grau, Albert; Bustamante, Alejandro; Diaz-Fernandez, Belen; Garcia-Berrocoso, Teresa; Montaner, Joan; Pagola, Jorge; Penalba, Anna; Rubiera, Marta et al. DOI: 10.1177/2396987316654337
PMID: 27311989 Journal: Archivos de la Sociedad Espanola de Oftalmologia Year: 2016 Reference: Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol. 2016 Nov;91(11):513-519. doi: 10.1016/j.oftal.2016.05.001. Epub 2016 Jun 13. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in national publication Authors: Alzamora Sas, M T; Barandiaran Martirena, I; Beristain Iraola, A; Delgado Martinez, P; Fores, R; Girona Marce, A; Heras Tebar, A; Manresa Dominguez, J M; Riba-Llena, I; Ruiz Bilbao, S M et al. DOI: 10.1016/j.oftal.2016.05.001
PMID: 25700286 Journal: STROKE Year: 2015 Reference: Stroke. 2015 Apr;46(4):968-75. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.114.008648. Epub 2015 Feb 19. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Ahn, Seong Hwan; d'Esterre, Christopher D; Demchuk, Andrew M; Fainardi, Enrico; Goyal, Mayank; Hill, Michael D; Lee, Ting Y; Menon, Bijoy K; Najm, Mohammed; Qazi, Emmad M et al. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.114.008648
PMID: 25858239 Journal: STROKE Year: 2015 Reference: Stroke. 2015 May;46(5):1321-7. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.115.009180. Epub 2015 Apr 9. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Anderson, Craig; Broderick, Joseph P; Carrozzella, Janice; Demchuk, Andrew M; Engelter, Stefan T; Foster, Lydia D; Goyal, Mayank; Hill, Michael D; Janis, L Scott; Jauch, Edward C et al. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.115.009180
PMID: 25889480 Journal: HEALTH QUAL LIFE OUT Year: 2015 Reference: Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2015 Mar 17;13:36. doi: 10.1186/s12955-015-0230-8. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Alvarez-Amandi, Mariano Rebollo; Alvarez-Sabin, Jose; Arenillas Lara, Juan Francisco; Becerra, Virginia; Casado Naranjo, Ignacio; Casado, Miguel Angel; Castillo Sanchez, Jose; Escribano Soriano, Bernardo; Gallego Cullere, Jaime; Gonzalez Rodriguez, Carmen et al. DOI: 10.1186/s12955-015-0230-8
PMID: 24745309 Journal: NEUROLOGIA Year: 2015 Reference: Neurologia. 2015 Jul-Aug;30(6):367-74. doi: 10.1016/j.nrl.2014.03.003. Epub 2014 Apr 16. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in national publication Authors: Becerra Cunat, J L; Lopez Gonzalez, F J; Mauri Llerda, J A; Mercade Cerda, J M; Molins Albanell, A; Parra Gomez, J; Salas Puig, X; Viteri Torres, C et al. DOI: 10.1016/j.nrl.2014.03.003
PMID: 25287269 Journal: EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY Year: 2014 Reference: Eur Neurol. 2014;72(3-4):203-8. doi: 10.1159/000362269. Epub 2014 Sep 13. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Alvarez-Sabin, Jose; Boned-Riera, Sandra; Carcamo, Daniel A; Coscojuela, Pilar; Flores, Alan; Meler, Pilar; Molina, Carlos A; Muchada, Marian; Pagola, Jorge; Pineiro, Socorro et al. DOI: 10.1159/000362269
PMID: 25104845 Journal: STROKE Year: 2014 Reference: Stroke. 2014 Sep;45(9):2734-8. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.114.006222. Epub 2014 Aug 7. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Alvarez-Sabin, Jose; Boned, Sandra; Flores, Alan; Meler, Pilar; Molina, Carlos A; Muchada, Marian; Pagola, Jorge; Ribo, Marc; Rodriguez-Luna, David; Rubiera, Marta et al. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.114.006222
PMID: 24603070 Journal: STROKE Year: 2014 Reference: Stroke. 2014 Apr;45(4):1059-63. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.113.004307. Epub 2014 Mar 6. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Alvarez-Sabin, Jose; Flores, Alan; Kallas, Julia; Meler, Pilar; Molina, Carlos A; Muchada, Marian; Pagola, Jorge; Ribo, Marc; Rodriguez-Luna, David; Rubiera, Marta et al. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.113.004307
PMID: 23044408 Journal: NEUROLOGIA Year: 2014 Reference: Neurologia. 2014 Jul-Aug;29(6):353-70. doi: 10.1016/j.nrl.2012.07.009. Epub 2012 Oct 6. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in national publication Authors: Alonso de Lecinana, M; Alvarez-Sabin, J; Arenillas, J; Calleja, S; Casado, I; Castellanos, M; Castillo, J; Davalos, A; Diaz-Otero, F; Diez Tejedor, E et al. DOI: 10.1016/j.nrl.2012.07.009
PMID: 24961534 Journal: Brain sciences Year: 2013 Reference: Brain Sci. 2013 Sep 23;3(3):1395-414. doi: 10.3390/brainsci3031395. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Alvarez-Sabin, Jose; Roman, Gustavo C et al. DOI: 10.3390/brainsci3031395
PMID: 24176075 Journal: Journal of Neuroinflammation Year: 2013 Reference: J Neuroinflammation. 2013 Oct 31;10:133. doi: 10.1186/1742-2094-10-133. Impact factor: Publication type: Review in international publication Authors: Emery, Evelyne; Kanninen, Katja; Koistinaho, Jari; Lemarchant, Sighild; Montaner, Joan; Pruvost, Mathilde; Vivien, Denis et al. DOI: 10.1186/1742-2094-10-133
PMID: 24527683 Journal: Current cardiology reviews Year: 2013 Reference: Curr Cardiol Rev. 2013 Nov;9(4):340-52. Impact factor: Publication type: Letter or abstract Authors: Bustamante, Alejandro; Fernandez-Cadenas, Israel; Garcia-Berrocoso, Teresa; Llombart, Victor; Montaner, Joan et al. DOI:
PMID: 24186915 Journal: NEUROLOGY Year: 2013 Reference: Neurology. 2013 Dec 3;81(23):1976-85. doi: 10.1212/01.wnl.0000436937.32410.32. Epub 2013 Nov 1. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Bustamante, Alejandro; Chen, Xingyong; Etgen, Thorleif; Garcia-Berrocoso, Teresa; Giralt, Dolors; Jensen, Jesper K; Montaner, Joan; Saritas, Ayhan; Sharma, Jagdish C; Shibazaki, Kensaku et al. DOI: 10.1212/01.wnl.0000436937.32410.32
PMID: 21890241 Journal: NEUROLOGIA Year: 2012 Reference: Neurologia. 2012 Nov-Dec;27(9):560-74. doi: 10.1016/j.nrl.2011.06.002. Epub 2011 Sep 3. Impact factor: Publication type: Review in national publication Authors: Alonso de Lecinana, M; Alonso de Lecinana, Maria; Alvarez-Sabin, J; Alvarez-Sabin, Jose; Alvarez-Sabin, Jose; Arenillas, J; Arenillas, Juan; Calleja, S; Calleja, Sergio; Casado, I et al. DOI: 10.1016/j.nrl.2011.06.002
PMID: 23588456 Journal: Nutricion Hospitalaria Year: 2012 Reference: Nutr Hosp. 2012 Nov-Dec;27(6):2048-54. doi: 10.3305/nh.2012.27.6.6100. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in national publication Authors: Araujo, K; Barcons, N; Burgos, R; Cardenas, G; Perez-Portabella, C; Puiggros, C; Romagosa, A; Sarto, B; Segurola, H; Vazquez, C et al. DOI: 10.3305/nh.2012.27.6.6100
PMID: 23013941 Journal: NEFROLOGIA Year: 2012 Reference: Nefrologia. 2012;32(5):558-72. doi: 10.3265/Nefrologia.pre2012.Jun.11396. Impact factor: Publication type: Review in national publication Authors: Agraz-Pamplona, Irene; Arbos-Via, M Antonia; Carnicer-Caceres, Clara; Ostos-Roldan, Elena; Quiles-Perez, M Teresa; Segarra-Medrano, Alfonso et al. DOI: 10.3265/Nefrologia.pre2012.Jun.11396
PMID: 23280790 Journal: ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY Year: 2012 Reference: Ann Neurol. 2012 Nov;72(5):716-29. doi: 10.1002/ana.23664. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Alvarez-Sabin, J; Arboix, A; Arenillas, J F; Aymerich, N; Canovas, D; Castellanos, Mar; Chacon, Pilar; Cocho, D; Cuadrado-Godia, Elisa; de Vilanova, Arnau et al. DOI: 10.1002/ana.23664
PMID: 21447524 Journal: Evidence-based medicine Year: 2011 Reference: Evid Based Med. 2011 Oct;16(5):136-7. doi: 10.1136/ebm1302. Epub 2011 Mar 29. Impact factor: Publication type: Letter or abstract Authors: Rubiera, Marta et al. DOI: 10.1136/ebm1302
PMID: 21198992 Journal: JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE Year: 2011 Reference: J Intern Med. 2011 Aug;270(2):166-74. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2796.2010.02329.x. Epub 2010 Dec 27. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; et al. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2796.2010.02329.x
PMID: 21748711 Journal: REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA Year: 2011 Reference: Rev Neurol. 2011 Aug 1;53(3):139-45. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in national publication Authors: Alvarez-Sabin, J; Brugues, J; Molina, C A; Pedragosa, A; Ribo, M et al. DOI:
PMID: 21163236 Journal: NEUROLOGIA Year: 2011 Reference: Neurologia. 2011 Sep;26(7):383-96. Epub 2010 Nov 3. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in national publication Authors: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; et al. DOI: 10.1016/j.nrl.2010.05.008
PMID: 19226340 Journal: JOURNAL OF NEUROIMAGING Year: 2010 Reference: J Neuroimaging. 2010 Jul;20(3):224-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1552-6569.2008.00357.x. Epub 2009 Feb 13. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: ; ; ; ; ; et al. DOI: 10.1111/j.1552-6569.2008.00357.x
PMID: 21804778 Journal: Curr Cardiol Rev Year: 2010 Reference: Curr Cardiol Rev. 2010 Aug;6(3):194-201. Impact factor: Publication type: Letter or abstract Authors: Delgado, Pilar; Fernandez-Cadenas, Israel; Garcia-Berrocoso, Teresa; Montaner, Joan; Rosell, Anna et al. DOI: 10.2174/157340310791658767
PMID: 21488300 Journal: HUMAN GENETICS Year: 2010 Reference: Hum Genet. 2010 Apr;127(4):474. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: del Rio-Espinola, A; Domingues-Montanari, S; Fernandez, M T; Fernandez-Cadenas, I; Fernandez-Morales, J; Garcia-Patos, V; Gutierrez-Agullo, M; Maisterra, O; Mendioroz, M; Montaner, J et al. DOI:
PMID: 21488283 Journal: HUMAN GENETICS Year: 2010 Reference: Hum Genet. 2010 Apr;127(4):473-4. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: del Rio-Espinola, A; Delgado, P; Domingues-Montanari, S; Fernandez, M T; Fernandez-Cadenas, I; Fernandez-Morales, J; Gutierrez-Agullo, M; Mendioroz, M; Montaner, J; Sole, E et al. DOI:
PMID: 19464713 Journal: MEDICINA CLINICA Year: 2009 Reference: Med Clin (Barc). 2009 Nov 21;133(19):754-62. Impact factor: Publication type: Review or editorial in national publication Authors: Abilleira Castells, Sonia; Alonso Coello, Pablo; Alvarez-Sabin, Jose; Armario Garcia, Pedro; Arrieta Anton, Enrique; Borras Perez, Francesc Xavier; Gil Nunez, Antonio; Maranon Fernandez, Eugenio; Marti Canales, Juan Carlos; Morales Ortiz, Ana et al. DOI: 10.1016/j.medcli.2009.02.037
PMID: 19590033 Journal: JOURNAL OF TELEMEDICINE AND TELECARE Year: 2009 Reference: J Telemed Telecare. 2009;15(5):260-3. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Alonso, Francisco; Alvarez-Sabin, Jose; Martin, M Cruz; Molina, Carlos A; Pedragosa, Angels; Ribo, Marc; Sanclemente, Carmen et al. DOI: 10.1258/jtt.2009.090102
PMID: 19482637 Journal: FRONTIERS IN BIOSCIENCE Year: 2009 Reference: Front Biosci (Elite Ed). 2009 Jun 1;1:200-8. Impact factor: Publication type: Review in international publication Authors: Montaner, Joan et al. DOI:
PMID: 19423853 Journal: STROKE Year: 2009 Reference: Stroke. 2009 Jul;40(7):2568-71. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Alvarez-Sabin, Jose; Delgado, Pilar; Delgado-Mederos, Raquel; Maisterra, Olga; Molina, Carlos A; Ortega, Gemma; Ribo, Marc; Rubiera, Marta; Santamarina, Estevo et al. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.108.538587
PMID: 18522643 Journal: EPILEPSIA Year: 2008 Reference: Epilepsia. 2008 Aug;49(8):1465-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2008.01620.x. Epub 2008 Jun 3. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Alvarez-Sabin, Jose; Munuera, Josep; Rovira, Alex; Rovira, Rosa; Sueiras, Maria; Toledo, Manuel et al. DOI: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2008.01620.x
PMID: 18187686 Journal: STROKE Year: 2008 Reference: Stroke. 2008 Feb;39(2):476-9. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.107.498303. Epub 2008 Jan 10. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Alvarez-Sabin, Jose; Grive, Elisenda; Pujadas, Francesc; Quintana, Manuel; Rovira, Alex; Toledo, Manuel et al. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.107.498303
PMID: 17032383 Journal: JOURNAL OF NEUROIMAGING Year: 2006 Reference: J Neuroimaging. 2006 Oct;16(4):334-40. doi: 10.1111/j.1552-6569.2006.00056.x. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in international publication Authors: Alvarez-Sabin, Jose; Gonzalez-Alujas, M Teresa; Molina, Carlos A; Munoz, Veronica; Ribo, Marc; Rovira, Alex; Rubiera, Marta; Santamarina, Estevo et al. DOI: 10.1111/j.1552-6569.2006.00056.x
PMID: 15860167 Journal: MEDICINA CLINICA Year: 2005 Reference: Med Clin (Barc). 2005 Apr 23;124(15):561-5. doi: 10.1157/13074135. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in national publication Authors: Alvarez Sabin, Jose; Evangelista, Arturo; Gonzalez Alujas, M Teresa; Molina, Carlos A; Munoz, Veronica; Quintana, Manuel; Rovira, Alex; Rubiera, Marta; Santamarina, Esteban et al. DOI: 10.1157/13074135
PMID: 16185544 Journal: MEDICINA CLINICA Year: 2005 Reference: Med Clin (Barc). 2005 Sep 24;125(10):361-5. doi: 10.1157/13079167. Impact factor: Publication type: Paper in national publication Authors: Alvarez-Sabin, Jose; Lara, Noemi; Pujadas, Francesc; Purroy, Francisco; Quintana, Manuel; Toledo, Manuel et al. DOI: 10.1157/13079167
PhD student: Jara Cárcel Marquez Director/s: Israel Fernandez Cadenas University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2023
PhD student: Anna Bonaterra Pastra, Anna Bonaterra Pastra Director/s: Maria Mar Hernandez Guillamon University: Year: 2023
PhD student: Elena Pala Vila Director/s: Joan Montaner Villalonga, Alejandro Bustamante Rangel University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2022
PhD student: Ting Lei (Santiago) Director/s: Anna Rosell Novel University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2021
PhD student: Julia Faura Llorens Director/s: Alejandro Bustamante Rangel, Joan Montaner Villalonga University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2021
PhD student: Paula Marazuela Fuentes Director/s: Maria Mar Hernandez Guillamon University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2021
PhD student: Gloria Monts. González Cuevas Director/s: Estevo Santamarina Pérez University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2020
PhD student: Joan Jimenez Balado Director/s: Maria Pilar Delgado Martínez University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2020
PhD student: Yajie Zhang Director/s: Anna Rosell Novel University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2020
PhD student: Sofia Fernandez De Re Alda Director/s: Maria Mar Hernandez Guillamon University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2018
PhD student: Alba Simats Oriol Director/s: Joan Montaner Villalonga, Teresa Garcia Berrocoso University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2018
PhD student: Marina Gabriel Salazar Director/s: Anna Rosell Novel University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2018
PhD student: Nuria Lacuey Lecumberri, Nuria Lacuey Lecumberri, Nuria Lacuey Lecumberri Director/s: José Alvarez Sabin University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2018
PhD student: Mª Socorro Piñeiro Santos Director/s: José Alvarez Sabin, David Rodriguez Luna, Carlos Molina Cateriano University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2017
PhD student: Andrea Vilar Bergua Director/s: Maria Pilar Delgado Martínez University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2016
PhD student: Victor Llombart Sebastià Director/s: Joan Montaner Villalonga, Maria Mar Hernandez Guillamon University: Universitat de Barcelona Year: 2016
PhD student: Alejandro Bustamante Rangel Director/s: Joan Montaner Villalonga, Carlos Molina Cateriano University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2016
PhD student: Cristina Merino Zamorano Director/s: Joan Montaner Villalonga University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2016
PhD student: Yolanda Riba Llena Director/s: Joan Montaner Villalonga, Maria Pilar Delgado Martínez University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2015
PhD student: Feifei Ma Director/s: Joan Montaner Villalonga, Anna Rosell Novel University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2015
PhD student: Anna Morancho Retana Director/s: Anna Rosell Novel, Joan Montaner Villalonga University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2014
PhD student: Teresa Garcia Berrocoso Director/s: Joan Montaner Villalonga, Israel Fernandez Cadenas, Maria Pilar Delgado Martínez University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2014
PhD student: Mireia Campos Martorell Director/s: Joan Montaner Villalonga, Maria Mar Hernandez Guillamon University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2014
PhD student: Elisa Carenza Director/s: Anna Rosell Novel University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2014
PhD student: Maria Pilar Delgado Martínez Director/s: University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2006
PhD student: Israel Fernandez Cadenas Director/s: University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2006
PhD student: Anna Rosell Novel Director/s: University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2005
PhD student: Juan Francisco Arenillas Lara Director/s: University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Year: 2003
For three days, the III Stroke Congress of the national RICORS-ICTUS network and a symposium focused on cerebral haemorrhage were held.
The TOUCH MSCA-COFUND doctoral training programme, led by UAB and focusing on the field of mental health, has opened its first call for applications, offering 13 doctoral positions.
The Cardiovascular Diseases and Neurovascular Diseases groups at VHIR will investigate new therapeutic strategies for heart failure, nanomedicine in stroke and the prevention of cardiovascular toxicity in the case of oncological treatments.