Sobre el VHIR
Al Vall d’Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR) promovem la recerca biomèdica, la innovació i la docència. Més de 1.800 persones busquen comprendre les malalties avui per millorar-ne el tractament demà.
Treballem per entendre les malalties, saber com funcionen i crear millors tractaments per als pacients. Coneix els nostres grups i les seves línies de recerca.
Les persones són el centre del Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR). Per això ens vinculem amb els principis de llibertat de recerca, igualtat de gènere i actitud professional que promou l’HRS4R.
Assaigs clínics
La nostra tasca no és només bàsica o translacional; som líders en recerca clínica. Entra per saber quins assaigs clínics estem duent a terme i perquè som referent mundial en aquest camp.
Volem que la recerca que es fa al Vall d’Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR) sigui un motor de transformació. Com? Identificant noves vies i solucions per fomentar la salut i el benestar de les persones.
Core facilities
Oferim un suport especialitzat als investigadors tant interns com externs, des d’un servei concret fins a l’elaboració d’un projecte complet. Tot, amb una perspectiva de qualitat i agilitat de resposta.
Et donem una porta d’entrada per estar al dia de tot el que passa al Vall d’Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR), des de les últimes notícies fins a les activitats i iniciatives solidàries futures que estem organitzant.
El grup de Recerca Biomèdica en Urologia està dedicat a l'estudi dels càncers dependents d’hormones, en particular, del càncer de pròstata (però no limitat a aquest).
Els nostres esforços estan centrats a trobar eines que ens ajudin en el diagnòstic precoç de la malaltia, diferenciar millor els tumors d’acord amb la seva agressivitat i la seva resposta a la teràpia i, finalment, trobar teràpies eficaces contra aquesta.
Des del punt de vista molecular, centrem els nostres estudis principalment en processos de senyalització cel·lular relacionats amb el cicle cel·lular i la mitosi (amb les cinesines, les cinases i la ubiquitina dependent de lligases com a dianes principals).
El nostre grup multidisciplinari està compost per biòlegs moleculars i uròlegs, i col·laborem amb oncòlegs, patòlegs i especialistes d’altres malalties quan es requereix.
Treballem amb dades in silico obtingudes amb diferents tècniques «òmiques», mostres i dades clíniques dels pacients, i models in vitro i in vivo, per respondre a les preguntes plantejades.
Once the tumor metastasizes to bone, the metastatic disease become incurable and current therapies are palliative. Thus, to better understand the biology of PC bone metastasis and to investigate new therapeutic options it is crucial to develop new animal models.
We have established new experimental models of PC bone metastasis by inoculation (intratibial and intracardiac) of human PC cell lines in immunodeficient mice to make a suitable model for evaluating novel compounds as future therapeutic approaches. Extensive bone metastases were monitored by in vivo bioluminescence imaging. By applying different strategies we have described new molecular targets involved in the mechanisms of PC bone metastasis.
1) Garcia M, et al. BJU Int. 2014;113:E164-77.
2) Doll A, et al. Arch Esp Urol. 2013;66:463-74.
IP: Joan Morote Robles
Principal Investigator
Anna Santamaría Margalef, PhD
Clinical Associated Researchers
Juan Morote Robles, MD, PhD (co-head Biomedical Research Group in Urology)
Jacques Planas, MD, PhD
PhD Students
Letícia Suárez
Marta Barber
Adrián García
Past members
Dr. Núria Masiá
Dr. Melissa Bradbury (MD)
Dr. Alfonso Parrilla
Dr. Mireia Oliván
Dr. Blanca Majem
Gabriel Tamayo
The efforts of our team are devoted to give answer to the main challenges in the field of cancer (diagnosis, prognosis and therapy), in particular we focus our attention to homone-dependent tumors, namely prostate tumors (but not limited to) and on cell cycle-related signaling pathways, specifically mitosis and the role of key regulatory enzymes (kinesins, kinases and ubiquitin ligases).
Alternative therapeutic strategies based on mitotic regulators: kinesins
Alterations in the expression of several mitotic regulators have been associated with tumor formation in many cancers. Recent genomic studies have shown that androgen receptor (AR) activity in hormone-refractory prostate cancer (PCa) is not identical to that displayed in androgen dependent cells. Interestingly, increasing evidence in the last years suggest that castrated-resistance prostate cancer (CRPC) cells have undergone a genetic reprogramming to upregulate the expression of M-phase cell cycle genes. AR selectively and directly upregulates a set of mitotic regulators to promote androgen independent PCa. Enrichment of M-phase proteins and pathways has been found in CRPC chemotherapy-resistant tumors compared with their chemotherapy-naïve counterparts. In this context, the main goal of this research line is to gain novel molecular insights into the progression of PCa, with special emphasis on the involvement of mitotic regulators in the acquisition of prostate tumors androgen independence. Through a proteomic-based approach we have identified drivers of the castration-resistant disease and several mitotic kinesins stand out. We aim at studying their role as potential as therapeutic targets.
Contribution to disfunctionality of mitotic regulators alterations to CIN in certain tumors
We aim at understanding first, the basic molecular mechanisms by which mitotic players (spindle-associated proteins and mitotic kinases such us hBora, Ska, CHICA, Plk1, Aurora A) that normally operate to ensure the error-free segregation of chromosomes, and how are they regulated in time and space and second, and which mechanisms give rise to the chromosomal instability that is typical of tumor cells by taking advantage of the animal and human models of cancer currently used in the laboratory.
BRCA1 and BRCA2-dependent ubiquitination and phosphorylation landscapes in cancer patients
High-grade serous carcinoma (HGSC) is characterized by presenting defects in the homologous recombination repair, most frequently associated to BRCA1 mutations. Although most patients will initially respond to first-line chemotherapy with platinum-based agents, up to a quarter will be resistant to treatment. In recent years we have advanced in the understanding of HGSC tumour physiology and its dependence on BRCA1 and, secondly, have identified protein signature able to discriminate between chemotherapy resistant and sensitive patients. In collaboration with the clinicians at the Gynecology Department at the Vall Hebron Hospital, we have performed a multi-layered proteomic characterization of patient-derived ovarian tissues, which has revealed the importance of both ubiquitination and phosphorylation layers of regulation in modulating key cellular processes in HGSC, their dependency on BRCA1 and the identification of BRCA1 substrates responsible for driving ubiquitination signalling. Also, using discovery and targeted proteomics in HGSC tissues, we have identified a protein signature able to discriminate between chemotherapy resistant and sensitive patients at the time of cancer diagnosis. Collectively, we have performed a comprehensive molecular characterization of HGSC that provides a groundwork for future mechanistic-based studies and the development of new targeted therapies in ovarian cancer. In addition, we advance in the optimization of therapeutic decision making through the identification of a promising protein signature able to predict response to chemotherapy.
On the other hand, previous sequencing studies revealed that alterations of genes associated with DNA damage response (DDR) are enriched in men with mCRPC. Although BRCA2 mutations are known to confer an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer, recent observations have shown that alterations of BRCA2 are more prevalent than previously appreciated in men with PCa and more frequent than alterations in any other DDR gene. We aim at translating our expertise and results on BRCA1 related to HGSC, to get deeper insights into the functional relevance of BRCA2 mutations in PCa. In close collaboration with the Urology Deparment at Vall Hebron (Dr. Jacques Planas), we also aim at improving the management of patients with BRCA2 mutations.
Drug development
We are interested in testing the therapeutic potential of new synthetic or natural compounds in clinically representative tumor cell lines (of prostate and ovarian cancer) and preclinical mouse models to improve the efficacy and safety of currently available treatments.
1. 2019PROD00087, SalivOmiX: Prova basada en la detecció de miRNAs en saliva per el diagnòstic precoç del càncer d'ovari AGENCIA DE GESTIO D'AJUTS UNIVERSITARIS I DE RECERCA. Producte. Anna Santamaria Margalef. (FUNDACIO INSTITUT DE RECERCA DE L'HOSPITAL UNIV. VALL D'HEBRON). 01/07/2020-31/12/2021. 100.000 €.
2. PI18/01017, SalivOmiX: Test basado en el análisis de miRNAs en saliva para la detección precoz del cáncer de ovario Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS). (INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACION HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO VALLE DE HEBRON). 01/2019- 12/2021. 159.720 €. Investigador principal.
3. 2017 SGR 1661, Grup de Recerca Biomèdica en Ginecologia AGENCIA DE GESTIO D'AJUTS UNIVERSITARIS I DE RECERCA. SGR. Anronio Gil Moreno. (FUNDACIO INSTITUT DE RECERCA DE L'HOSPITAL UNIV. VALL D'HEBRON). 01/01/2018- 31/12/2020. 33.000 €. Miembro de equipo.
4. AECC/2017/SANTAMARIA, Nuevos enfoques terapéuticos para el cáncer de próstata hormono-refractario basados en la kinesina KIF11 Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer. AECC - Junta Barcelona (Conveni ajudes per a la investigació 2017). Anna Santamaria Margalef. (FUNDACIO INSTITUT DE RECERCA DE L'HOSPITAL UNIV. VALL D'HEBRON). 2018-2019. 34.700 €. Investigador principal.
5. 2016 LLAV 00056, Salivomics: identification of genòmic markers to improve early ovarian càncer detection AGENCIA DE GESTIO D'AJUTS UNIVERSITARIS I DE RECERCA. Llavor. Anna Santamaria Margalef. (FUNDACIO INSTITUT DE RECERCA DE L'HOSPITAL UNIV. VALL D'HEBRON). 2017-2018. 20.000 €. Investigador principal.
6. PI15/02238, Sensibilidad a quimioterapia en cáncer de ovario: Plk1 y Aurora A quinasas como terapia alternativa que permitan mejorar la respuesta antitumoral y la estratificación de pacientes FIS. Anna Santamaria Margalef. (FUNDACIO INSTITUT DE RECERCA DE L'HOSPITAL UNIV. VALL D'HEBRON). 2016-2018. 122.815 €. Investigador principal.
7. RTC-2015-3821-1, Desarrollo de nuevas aproximaciones en el manejo individualizado de pacientes con cáncer ginecológico (PredicareGYN) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. RETOS. Anna Santamaria Margalef. (FUNDACIO INSTITUT DE RECERCA DE L'HOSPITAL UNIV. VALL D'HEBRON). 2015-2018. 348,6 €. Co-Investigador principal.
8. Transcripció, traducció i mitosi en càncer de pròstata resistent a teràpia.TRAMIT-CAP (GRE) AGENCIA DE GESTIO D'AJUTS UNIVERSITARIS I DE RECERCA. Grup de Recerca Emergent (SGR-AGAUR). Anna Santamaria Margalef. (FUNDACIO INSTITUT DE RECERCA DE L'HOSPITAL UNIV. VALL D'HEBRON). 01/01/2014-31/12/2016. 16.000 €. Co-Investigador principal.
9. CP13/00158, Characterization of Plk1 alterations and consequences in the progression tumorigenesis, with a focus in prostate cancer Miguel Servet (FIS). Anna Santamaria Margalef. (FUNDACIO INSTITUT DE RECERCA DE L'HOSPITAL UNIV. VALL D'HEBRON). 2014-2016. 120.500 €. Investigador principal.
10. Control of chromosome segregation fidelity Swiss Cancer League. Anna Santamaria Margalef. (Biozentrum - University of Basel). 02/2011-02/2014. 160.000 €. Investigador principal.
Atrys (Madrid, Spain)
Oncostellae (Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
4SC (Münich, Germany)
Currently under review:
- Bradbury M; … Gil-Moreno A; Sabidó E*; Santamaria, A*. BRCA1 mutations reshape the signaling landscape in high-grade serous ovarian cancer patients. Science Signalling (under review) (*equal contribution).
- Bradbury M; … Gil-Moreno A; Santamaria, A*; Sabidó E*. Molecular advances for the management of high-grade serous ovarian cancer patients. Cancers (under review) (*equal contribution).
1.- Alfonso Parrilla; Marta Barber; Blanca Majem; et al.,; Miguel F Segura; Antonio Gil Moreno; Anna Santamaria. Aurora Borealis (Bora), Which Promotes Plk1 Activation by Aurora A, Has an Oncogenic Role in Ovarian Cancer. Cancers (Basel). 12 - 4, pp. pii:E886. 06/04/2020. DOI: 10.3390/cancers12040886.
2.- Blanca Majem; Alfonso Parrilla; et al.,; Antonio Gil Moreno; Miguel F Segura; Anna Santamaría. MicroRNA-654-5p suppresses ovarian cancer development impacting on MYC, WNT and AKT pathways. Oncogene. 38 - 32, pp. 6035 - 6050. 08/2019. ISSN 1476-5594 DOI: 10.1038/s41388-019-0860-0
3.- Soriano A; Masanas M; Boloix A; et al; Santamaria A; Segura MF. 2019. Functional high-throughput screening reveals miR-323a-5p and miR-342-5p as a new tumour-suppressive microRNAs in neuroblastoma. Cell Mol Life Sci. 76-11, pp.2231-2243. ISSN 2041-1723.
4.- Óscar Rapado-González, Blanca Majem, et al., Anna Santamaría, Rafael López-López, Laura Muinelo-Romay, María Mercedes Suarez-Cunqueiro. A Novel Saliva-Based miRNA Signature for Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis. J. Clin. Med. 2019, 8, 2029;doi:10.3390/jcm8122029
5.- Óscar Rapado-González, Blanca Majem, Laura Muinelo-Romay, Ana Álvarez-Castro, Anna Santamaría , Antonio Gil-Moreno , Rafael López-López , María Mercedes Suárez-Cunqueiro. Human salivary microRNAs in Cancer. J Cancer. 2018 Jan 6;9(4):638-649. doi: 10.7150/jca.21180. eCollection 2018.
6.-Devis, L; Moiola, C; Masia, N; et al; Santamaria, A; Colas, E. 2017. Activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule (ALCAM) is a marker of recurrence and promotes cell migration, invasion and metastasis in early stage endometrioid endometrial cáncer. Journal of Pathology. WILEY-BLACKWELL. 241-4, pp.475-487. ISSN 0022-3417.
7.- A Almazán-Moga, P Zarzosa, C Molist, P Velasco , J Pyczek, K Simon-Keller, I Giralt, I Vidal, N Navarro, M F Segura, A Soriano, S Navarro, O M Tirado, J C Ferreres, A Santamaria, R Rota, H Hahn, J Sánchez de Toledo , J Roma, S Gallego. 2017. Ligand-dependent Hedgehog pathway activation in Rhabdomyosarcoma: the oncogenic role of the ligands. Br J Cancer. 117-9, pp.1314-1325. ISSN 0007-0920. 1
8.- Redli, PM; Gasic, I; Meraldi, P; Nigg, EA; Santamaria, A. The Ska complex promotes Aurora B activity to ensure chromosome biorientation. Journal of Cell Biology. 215 - 1, pp. 77 – 93, 2016. ROCKEFELLER UNIV PRESS, 10/10/2016. ISSN 0021-9525DOI: 10.1083/jcb.201603019
9.- Thomas, Y.; Cirillo, L.; Panbianco, C.; et al; Santamaria, A.; Gotta, M. 2016. Cdk1 Phosphorylates SPAT-1/Bora to Promote Plk1 Activation in C. elegans and Human Cells. Cell Reports. CELL PRESS. 15-3, pp.510-518. ISSN 2211-1247.
10.- Abad, MA; Zou, J; Medina-Pritchard, B; Nigg, EA; Rappsilber, J; Santamaria, A; Jeyaprakash, AA. 2016. Ska3 Ensures Timely Mitotic Progressionby Interacting Directly With Microtubules and Ska1 Microtubule Binding Domain. Scientific Reports. NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP. 6, pp.34042. ISSN 2045-2322.
11.- Maria-Alba* Abad; Medina, B*; Santamaria, A*; Zou, J; Plasberg-Hill, C; Madhumalar, A; Jayachandran, U; Rappsilber, J; Nigg, EA; Jeyaprakash, AA. Structural Basis for the Microtubule-Recognition by the human kinetochore Ska complex. Nature Communications. 5, pp. 2964. NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 2015. ISSN 2041-1723 (*equal contribution)
IP: Anna Santamaria Margalef
Prostate cancer (PC) is the second leading cause of death for cancer in men of the western Countries. While considerable advances have been made in the treatment of localized, organ-confined tumors, metastatic PC is virtually incurable and most deaths from this disease are due to the high resistance of metastasis to conventional therapies (androgen-depletion-therapy, ADT). Therefore, more precise markers for the detection of the incipient resistant tumor and more effective targets that eliminate the resistant clones are needed.
A principal aim is to identify relevant molecular pathways specifically active in aggressive prostate cancer, useful for an early detection of ADT resistant tumors and for treatment strategies.
In our studies, we have discovered the human Prostate Tumor OVerexpressed-1 (PTOV1) gene, later called Acid-2, and a second gene with a PTOV module, PTOV2, later called MED25, a component of Mediator (1-2).
The detection of PTOV1 in high-grade PIN (HGPIN) premalignant lesions is helpful to identify patients with higher probability to develop PC (3). PTOV1 ectopic expression promotes proliferation, invasion and metastasis of ADT resistant cells (1,2,4,5). PTOV1 induces the epithelial-mesenchymal-transition (EMT) and increased metastasis of PC3 cells (4). Mechanistically, PTOV1 is implicated in multiple processes controlling cell fate: it promotes mRNA translation leading to a specific increased synthesis of c-Jun and Snai1 oncogenes (4), and it is a transcriptional repressor of HES1 and HEY1 genes, leading to inhibition of Notch signalling in metastatic PC (5). PTOV1 significantly affect the self-renewal potential of the cancer stem cell populations of PC3 cells (5).
Current objectives of our line of research are: (i) Determine the role of PTOV1 in the resistance to ADT and chemotherapy (taxols). (ii) Characterize the sub-clonal cancer stem cell populations (CSC) present in metastatic primary tumors and the genes and factors responsible for the development of the resistance to ADT.
1) Benedit P, et al. Oncogene 2001;20:1455–1464.
2) Santamaria A, et al. Am J Pathol 2003;162:897–905.
3) Morote J, et al. Clin Cancer Res 2008:14:2617-2622.
4) Marqués N, et al. Oncogene 2014;33(9):1124-34.
5) Alaña L et al., Mol Cancer 2014;13:74.
IP: Cell signaling and cancer progression
One main focus of our research is the discovery of new biomarkers for the early detection of prostate cancer (PC). The detection of proteins, RNA or miRNAs from easily accessible body fluids, such as blood or urine, will make possible to diagnose the disease at an early/pre-symptomatic stage, or monitoring responses to therapy in a simple and non-invasive way. This will improve the specificity of the currently used PSA serum measurements.
We have identified a three-gene panel in urine able to increase the PSA specificity for the detection of PC, and using liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry and triple quadruple mass spectrometry (LC/MSMS, SRM), we have discovered the presence of specific, differential proteomic profiles in the urine of PC patients.
Furthermore, we have identified a genomic profile able to detect PC in patients previously diagnosed with high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN). Such profile should have an application in the clinics and improve decision making in the diagnosis and treatment of PC (Figure).
1) Sequeiros T, et al. Prostate 2015; Accepted;
2) Rigau M*, Olivan M*, et al. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2013;14: 12620-12649;
3) Rigau M, et al. Prostate 2011; 71:1736-45;
4) Rigau M et al. Prostate 2010; 70:1760-7
IP: Santiago Ramon y Cajal Agüeras Col·laboradors: Inés de Torres Ramirez, Sara Garcia Ortega, Elena Muro Blanc, Marta Cano Galietero, Vicente Peg Camara, Stefan Hummer Entitat finançadora: Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament de Salut Finançament: 189970 Referència: SLT036/24/000026 Durada: 21/12/2024 - 20/12/2026
IP: Santiago Ramon y Cajal Agüeras Col·laboradors: Inés de Torres Ramirez, Sara Garcia Ortega, Elena Muro Blanc, Marta Cano Galietero, Vicente Peg Camara, Stefan Hummer Entitat finançadora: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca Finançament: 149347 Referència: 2024 PROD 00056 Durada: 02/12/2024 - 01/06/2026
IP: Olga Méndez Fernández Col·laboradors: Berta Miró Cau, Marc Simo Perdigo, David Ruiz Casajuana, Jacques Planas Morin, Richard Mast, Lidia del Carmen Ramirez Morales Entitat finançadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Finançament: 127500 Referència: PI23/01310 Durada: 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2026
IP: Oriol Bestard Matamoros Col·laboradors: Ana Pérez González, Francesc Bosch Albareda, Francesc Moreso Mateos, Enric Trilla Herrera, Joana Sellarés Roig, Irina Betsabe Torres Rodriguez, Enric Miret Alomar, Manel Perelló Carrascosa, Nestor Gabriel Toapanta Gaibor, Maria Antonia Emilia Meneghini, Delphine Kervella, Elena Isabel Crespo Gimeno Entitat finançadora: Fundación Invest. Médica Mutua Madrileña Finançament: 109725 Referència: FMM/ORIOL_BESTARD Durada: 15/09/2023 - 14/09/2025
PMID: 37025471 Revista: BJUI compass Any: 2023 Referència: BJUI Compass. 2022 Dec 28;4(3):266-268. doi: 10.1002/bco2.211. eCollection 2023 May. Factor d'impacte: Tipus de publicació: Article en revista internacional Autors: Abascal, Jose M; Campistol, Miriam; Morote, Juan; Servian, Pol; Trilla, Enrique; Triquell, Marina et al. DOI: 10.1002/bco2.211
PMID: 37231687 Revista: European Stroke Journal Any: 2023 Referència: Eur Stroke J. 2023 Jun;8(2):557-565. doi: 10.1177/23969873231156260. Epub 2023 Mar 2. Factor d'impacte: Tipus de publicació: Article en revista internacional Autors: Abilleira, Sonia; Almendros, Mari Cruz; Canovas, David; Carrion, Dolors; Catena, Esther; Cocho, Dolores; Colom, Carla; Costa, Xavier; Deulofeu, Anna; Diaz, Gloria et al. DOI: 10.1177/23969873231156260
PMID: 37244767 Revista: UROLOGIC ONCOLOGY-SEMINARS AND ORIGINAL INVESTIGATIONS Any: 2023 Referència: Urol Oncol. 2023 May 25:S1078-1439(23)00161-8. doi: 10.1016/j.urolonc.2023.05.003. Factor d'impacte: Tipus de publicació: Article en revista internacional Autors: Abascal, Jose M; Asiain, Ignacio; Celma, Anna; de Manuel, Gemma Garcia; Morote, Juan; Munoz-Rivero, Marta V; Munoz-Rodriguez, Jesus; Paesano, Nahuel; Picola, Natalia; Ruiz-Plazas, Xavier et al. DOI: 10.1016/j.urolonc.2023.05.003
PMID: 37331529 Revista: HUMAN PATHOLOGY Any: 2023 Referència: Hum Pathol. 2023 Jun 16:S0046-8177(23)00135-1. doi: 10.1016/j.humpath.2023.06.002. Factor d'impacte: Tipus de publicació: Article en revista internacional Autors: Acosta, Andres M; Akgul, Mahmut; Alvarado-Cabrero, Isabel; Aron, Manju; Celada, Manuel Manrique; Cheng, Liang; Chou, Angela; Collins, Katrina; Contreras, Felix; de Torres, Ines et al. DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2023.06.002
PMID: 34602313 Revista: EUROPEAN UROLOGY Any: 2022 Referència: Eur Urol. 2022 Jan;81(1):124-125. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2021.09.019. Epub 2021 Sep 30. Factor d'impacte: 20.096 Tipus de publicació: Carta amb FI Autors: Morote, Juan; Diaz, Fernando; Celma, Anna; Planas, Jacques; Trilla, Enrique et al. DOI: 10.1016/j.eururo.2021.09.019
PMID: 34983087 Revista: World Journal of Mens Health Any: 2022 Referència: World J Mens Health. 2022 Jan;40(1):74-86. doi: 10.5534/wjmh.210061. Factor d'impacte: 5.4 Tipus de publicació: Revisió en revista internacional Autors: Casado, Enrique; Borque-Fernando, Angel; Caamano, Manuel; Grana, Jenaro; Munoz-Rodriguez, Jesus; Morote, Juan et al. DOI: 10.5534/wjmh.210061
PMID: 34352790 Revista: UROLOGIA INTERNATIONALIS Any: 2022 Referència: Urol Int. 2022;106(2):154-162. doi: 10.1159/000517543. Epub 2021 Aug 5. Factor d'impacte: 2.089 Tipus de publicació: Article en revista internacional Autors: Raventos Busquets, Carles X; Semidey, M Eugenia; Lozano Palacio, Fernando; Carrion Puig, Albert; Aula Olivar, Ana; De Torres Ramirez, Ines M; Trilla Herrera, Enrique et al. DOI: 10.1159/000517543
PMID: 35767122 Revista: Insights into Imaging Any: 2022 Referència: Insights Imaging. 2022 Jun 29;13(1):109. doi: 10.1186/s13244-022-01251-2. Factor d'impacte: 5.231 Tipus de publicació: Article en revista internacional Autors: Escobar, Manuel; Tomasello, Alejandro; Perez Lafuente, Mercedes; Andreu, Jordi; Grinon, Jesus; Sanchez-Tirado, Cristina; Mast, Richard; Antolin, Andreu; Roson, Nuria et al. DOI: 10.1186/s13244-022-01251-2
PMID: 34944822 Revista: Cancers Any: 2021 Referència: Cancers (Basel). 2021 Dec 9;13(24). pii: cancers13246202. doi: 10.3390/cancers13246202. Factor d'impacte: 6.639 Tipus de publicació: Article en revista internacional Autors: Santamaria, Anna, Rodriguez-Barrueco, Ruth, Morote, Juan, de la Cruz, Xavier, Olivan, Mireia, Garcia, Marta, Suarez, Leticia, Guiu, Marc, Gros, Laura, Mendez, Olga et al. DOI: 10.3390/cancers13246202
PMID: 33607371 Revista: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY Any: 2021 Referència: Eur J Radiol. 2021 Apr;137:109589. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2021.109589. Epub 2021 Feb 12. Factor d'impacte: 3.528 Tipus de publicació: Article en revista internacional Autors: Salazar, Aina, Planas, Jacques, Celma, Ana, Cuadras, Merce, Roche, Sarai, Mast, Richard, Morote, Juan, Trilla, Enrique, Regis, Lucas et al. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2021.109589
PMID: 33194736 Revista: Frontiers in Oncology Any: 2020 Referència: Front Oncol. 2020 Oct 22;10:586069. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2020.586069. eCollection 2020. Factor d'impacte: 4.848 Tipus de publicació: Revisió en revista internacional Autors: Kondoh, Hiroshi, Alvarez-Meythaler, Jose G, Garcia-Mayea, Yoelsis, Mir, Cristina, LLeonart, Matilde E et al. DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2020.586069
PMID: 32647375 Revista: Communications Biology Any: 2020 Referència: Commun Biol. 2020 Jul 9;3(1):366. doi: 10.1038/s42003-020-1092-0. Factor d'impacte: 4.165 Tipus de publicació: Article en revista internacional Autors: Granado-Martinez, Paula, Garcia-Ortega, Sara, Gonzalez-Sanchez, Elena, McGrail, Kimberley, Selgas, Rafael, Grueso, Judit, Gil, Rosa, Naldaiz-Gastesi, Neia, Rhodes, Ana C, Hernandez-Losa, Javier et al. DOI: 10.1038/s42003-020-1092-0
PMID: 31779212 Revista: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Any: 2019 Referència: Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Nov 26;20(23):5950. doi: 10.3390/ijms20235950. Factor d'impacte: Tipus de publicació: Article en revista internacional Autors: Cortes, Javier; Mendez, Olga; Perez, Jose; Racca, Fabricio; Soberino, Jesus; Villanueva, Josep et al. DOI: 10.3390/ijms20235950
PMID: 31757017 Revista: Journal of Clinical Medicine Any: 2019 Referència: J Clin Med. 2019 Nov 20;8(12). pii: jcm8122029. doi: 10.3390/jcm8122029. Factor d'impacte: 5.688 Tipus de publicació: Article en revista internacional Autors: Rapado-Gonzalez, Oscar, Majem, Blanca, Alvarez-Castro, Ana, Diaz-Pena, Roberto, Abalo, Alicia, Suarez-Cabrera, Leticia, Gil-Moreno, Antonio, Santamaria, Anna, Lopez-Lopez, Rafael, Suarez-Cunqueiro, Maria Mercedes et al. DOI: 10.3390/jcm8122029
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Doctorand: Marta Barber Servera Director/s: Anna Santamaria Margalef Universitat: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Any: 2023
Doctorand: Aina Salazar Gabarro Director/s: Joan Morote Robles, Lucas Regis Plácido Universitat: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Any: 2022
Doctorand: Carlos Gasanz Serrano Director/s: Joan Morote Robles, Carles Xavier Raventós Busquets Universitat: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Any: 2018
Doctorand: Verónica Cánovas Hernández Director/s: Rosanna Paciucci Barzanti Universitat: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Any: 2017
Doctorand: Ana Celma Domènech Director/s: Jaume Reventós Puigjaner, Joan Morote Robles Universitat: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona Any: 2009
Les investigacions han assolit un nivell avançat de maduresa tecnològica, consolidant la seva viabilitat per a la implementació en entorns reals.
En el Dia Mundial de la Recerca en Càncer, destaquem la recerca per millorar els tractaments contra el càncer infantil i de l’adult gràcies a tècniques innovadores.
El treball dirigit pel Dr. Regis demostra que realitzar una reconstrucció robòtica després de la prostatectomia radical es relaciona amb un millor control de l'orina.