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Gema Ariceta Iraola

Institucions de les que formen part

Investigador/a principal
Fisiopatologia renal
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Gema Ariceta Iraola

Institucions de les que formen part

Investigador/a principal
Fisiopatologia renal
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Línies de recerca

Mechanisms of chronic renal disease progression and cardiovascular risk in pediatric patients with chronic renal disease

Pediatric patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) constitude a high risk group for cardiovascular disease (CVD) related to traditional and non-traditional risk factors. We are interested in studying the relationship between traditional CVD risk factors (obesity, overweight, anemia, dyslipemia, malnutrition, hypertension, and non-traditional CVD risk factors (homocysteine, asymmetric dymethylarginine (ADMA), FGF23, ultraselective protein C (PCR) and carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) in children and adolescents with CKD, based on its severity and duration.  Further, we are also interested in finding a biomarker to identify early in the disease, those patients with increased CVD risk and poor outcome.

IP: Gema Ariceta Iraola

Rare inhirited renal diseases

Our group is focused in research in primary or inherited tubular renal diseases, such as Dent’s Disease, Bartter syndrome, Tubular Acidosis, Familial Hypomagnesemia with Hypercalciuria and Nephrocalcinosis, among others. Currently we are collaborating  with other groups in Spain, within a research project named Renaltube the main purpose of which is to build a database while facilitating access to genotyping in order to improve the clinical and molecular knowledge of primary tubulopathies. Renaltube has a web-based approach with multilateral collaboration scheme that enhances the recruitment of data and promotes the understanding of underlying mechanisms of rare inherited diseases, defines more accurate diagnostic and follow-up criteria, develops new molecular techniques and will improve the overall care of the patients. Currently we are offering the analysis of 22 genes corresponding to 23 primary tubulopathies. After two years of activity Renaltube has collected data from 222 patients, the mayority from Spain and Latin America (85.3%). The most common tubulopathies are distal renal tubular acidosis (22.5%), and classical Bartter syndrome (19.3%) followed by familial hypomagesemia with hipercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis (15.7%), and Gitelman syndrome (15%).

IP: Gema Ariceta Iraola, Anna Meseguer Navarro


Caracterización de la respuesta inmune celular específica frente al virus Epstein-Barr en receptores de trasplante renal pediátrico (CRICE-VEB)).

IP: -
Col·laboradors: Gema Ariceta Iraola, Laura Donadeu Casassas, Delphine Kervella
Entitat finançadora: Sociedad Española de Trasplantes
Finançament: 20000
Durada: 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2025

La variabilidad fenotípica en pacientes afectados de Hipomagnesemia Familiar con Hipercalciuria y Nefrocalcinosis (HFHNC) como oportunidad para entender las bases fisiopatológicas de la enfermedad y para la búsqueda de soluciones terapéuticas

IP: Anna Meseguer Navarro
Col·laboradors: Gema Ariceta Iraola, Gerard Cantero Recasens
Entitat finançadora: Sociedad Española de Nefrología (S.E.N.)
Finançament: 24000
Durada: 27/11/2023 - 26/11/2025


IP: Francesc Moreso Mateos
Col·laboradors: Gema Ariceta Iraola, Joan López Hellin
Entitat finançadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Finançament: 42900
Referència: PMP22/00119
Durada: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2025

Biomarcadores, dianas y soluciones terapéuticas para mejorar el cuidado de pacientes afectados de Hipomagnesemia Familiar con Hipercalciuria y Nefrocalcinosis (HFHNC).

IP: Gema Ariceta Iraola
Col·laboradors: Hector Rios Duro, Gloria Mª Fraga Rodriguez, Julieta Torchia, Julieta Torchia
Entitat finançadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Finançament: 202070
Referència: PI22/01946
Durada: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2025

Notícies relacionades

“Pacients amb hipomagnesèmia familiar amb hipercalciuria i nefrocalcinosi presenten perfils de miARNs en vesícules extracel·lulars urinàries associats a la progressió de la malaltia” ha estat el treball premiat.

La proteïna ClC-5 regula els nivells de col·lagen a través de la via β-catenina i la degradació lisosomal.

El projecte liderat per Hipofam utilitzarà la donació de la Fundació Inocente Inocente per fer una anàlisi funcional de les variants genètiques modificadores del fenotip en pacients afectats d’hipomagnesèmia familiar amb hipercalciúria i nefrocalcinosi.

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