Santiago Ramon y Cajal Agüeras Institucions de les que formen part Cap de grup Patologia molecular translacional Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca Email Santiago Ramon y Cajal Agüeras Email Institucions de les que formen part Cap de grup Patologia molecular translacional Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
Línies de recerca Study of Cell Signalling pathway in human tumors. Identification of funnel factors. We have characterized the levels of activation in Cell Signalling in a spectrum of solid tumors and correlated the levels of various factors, including mTOR and downstream proteins (p70S6K, S6, 4EBP1, eIF4E) with prognosis and grade of malignancy. Also, are being characterized, at the molecular level, the factors involved in controlling the translation cap dependent and independent in malignant tumors. IP: Santiago Ramon y Cajal Agüeras Study of gene expression of senescence in human tumors The expression of mARN genes identified by Dr.R. Bernards has been studied in normal and tumor tissue of cancer patients. This study identifies for the first time, RSK4 and KIAA0828 genes as genes whose role may be relevant in cancer. The expression of these genes is being studied in protein by Western blot and immunohistochemistry. Also are characterizing the biochemical pathways where these genes may be involved IP: Santiago Ramon y Cajal Agüeras Identification of molecular targets associated with tumor progression and therapy resistance in colorectal carcinoma. Studying in colorectal cancer mechanisms of action of the central signal transduction pathways, identify potential molecular alterations that can be used as therapeutic targets and characterize the degree of genetic inestability. IP: Santiago Ramon y Cajal Agüeras Projectes MNK - EB1 IP: Santiago Ramon y Cajal Agüeras Col·laboradors: Inés de Torres Ramirez, Sara Garcia Ortega, Elena Muro Blanc, Marta Cano Galietero, Vicente Peg Camara, Stefan Hummer Entitat finançadora: Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament de Salut Finançament: 189970 Referència: SLT036/24/000026 Durada: 21/12/2024 - 20/12/2026 The MNK inhibitor EB1: a novel opportunity to combat therapy resistance in cancer treatment IP: Santiago Ramon y Cajal Agüeras Col·laboradors: Inés de Torres Ramirez, Sara Garcia Ortega, Elena Muro Blanc, Marta Cano Galietero, Vicente Peg Camara, Stefan Hummer Entitat finançadora: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca Finançament: 149347 Referència: 2024 PROD 00056 Durada: 02/12/2024 - 01/06/2026 inhibición de la comunicación celular para la prevención del desarrollo de metástasis y la resistencia a terapias antitumorales. Desarrollo de dos nuevas aproximaciones terapéuticas IP: Santiago Ramon y Cajal Agüeras Col·laboradors: Maria Rosa Somoza Lopez de Haro, Josep Castellví Vives, Sara Garcia Ortega, Elena Muro Blanc, Marta Cano Galietero, Javier Hernandez Losa, Marta Sese Faustino, Stefan Hummer, Lourdes Elena Salazar Huayna, Lourdes Elena Salazar Huayna Entitat finançadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Finançament: 240000 Referència: PI23/01754 Durada: 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2026 INtegrative GENomic, digital Imaging and clinical information towars Precision Oncology Optimization – INGENIO IP: Santiago Ramon y Cajal Agüeras Col·laboradors: Jordi Temprana Salvador, Josep Castellví Vives, Joaquim Mateo Valderrama, Javier Hernandez Losa, Vicente Peg Camara, Irene Sansano Valero Entitat finançadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Finançament: 80400 Referència: PMP21/00107 Durada: 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2025 Paginació Pàgina actual 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 … Pàgina següent › Última pàgina »